Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is Lutein? - A look at the GSM Product

Lutein (from Latin: Luteus meaning "yellow") is a xanthophyll (yellow pigments from the carotenoid group). It is one of six hundred naturally occurring carotenoids (organic pigments naturally occurring in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some bacteria and at least one species of aphid). Lutein is employed by organisms, large and small, as an antioxidant and for blue light absoprtion.

Where is it found?

Lutein is found in kale, spinach, garden peas, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, Pistachio nuts, broccoli, Maize/corn, kiwifruit, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, collard greens, egg yolks, animal fats and most importantly the retina. Lutein predominates the retina, while another chemical compound known as zeaxanthin predominates at the macula lutea of the eye.

Lutein is concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina responsible for central vision. The reason for this natural concentration is that lutein helps keep the eyes safe from oxidative stress and the high-energy photons of blue light.


Lutein, like its sister compound zeaxanthin, has primarily been used as a natural colorant due to its orange-red color. It absorbs blue light and thus appears yellow at low concentrations and orange-red at high concentrations.

Studies & Effects:

Various studies have shown that a direct relationship exists between lutein intake and pigmentation in the eye.

Studies also show that an increase in macula pigmentation, caused by Lutein, decreases the risk for eye diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), a disease which occurs in adults when there is damage to the retina there is loss of central vision.

In 2007, in a six year study, John Paul SanGiovanni of the National Eye Institute, Maryland found that lutein and zeaxanthin protect against blindness, currenlty affecting 1.2 million Americans. There is also evidence which suggests that increasing lutein and zeaxanthin intake lowers the risk of cataract development.

Another study by Stringham and Hammond, published in the Jan-Feb issue of Journal of Food Science, discusses the improvement of vision and decrease in light sensitivity in subjects taking just 10mg of Lutein and 2mg of Zeaxanthin per day.

GSM Lutein Supplement:

Currently there are many products and companies which manufacture lutein. Some sell their product far cheaper than others and they have the same dosages, but what the buyer must beware from other companies are that some may manufacture their products with fillers, so you will not be getting 10mg of Lutein, but probably less lutein and more of something else.

At GSMHEALTH.COM we do not manufacture products with fillers and we offer the most potent and powerful blends of herbs in the world.

About GSM Inc,.'s Lutein supplement:

Our supplement was formulated with the richest of herbs and manufactured with precision and care. It is primarily used for older adults with decaying vision and may be used as a preventative supplement in younger adults. The only side effect of Lutein when taken daily, for people who have sufficient lutein already, is bronzed skin because of the color of the chemical compound.


Our supplement of Lutein contains, 40mg of Lutein in one capsule, as well as safflower oil, Gelatin, purified water, yellow beeswax, and Vitamin E mixed tocopherols. - 30 capsules/bottle.

All these ingredients combine together to help better your vision and revitalize your eyes. Help protect your eyes and don't let your vision degenerate. A person who cares for others must care for themselves first. Choose GSMHEALTH.COM's Lutein for better vision today!

Visit our GSM Store to purchase this amazing product.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Lutein Supplement
