Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Silent Killer!

A Public Service Announcement from GSM Inc.
by Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

The approach to diabetes is holistic in nature. It will touch upon the various branches of medicine and also points to a way of life. Western medicine to date has no cure for diabetes. Mellitus. Experiments have been conducted at Mc Gill University on rats and were quite successful. At present similar experiments are being conducted on human beings. Their progress and success is yet to be seen. It will take anywhere between three to seven years before an authentic conclusion can be reached.

Diabetes can affect a person at any age. Many type ll diabetics have been detected or diagnosed in their late thirties and onwards. It is imperative that our youth take heed and get into programs that will be able to help them minimize the risk of diabetes mellitus later on in life. In most cases it takes 10-15yeas of metabolic insult for one to get diabetes. Let us remember the effect of our environment is felt, as we grow older. While we are young and youthful we are able to drain from the fountain of youth that has been granted to us. But as we get older we begin to see the effect of what we eat upon the body, mind and spirit.

If we develop a healthy lifestyle we will certainly continue to be healthy. The child goes to school to prepare for the future. What he or she will learn in school may not be applicable to their life immediately. Certainly as they grow older it will be of great benefit. Knowledge of a healthy lifestyle is no less. One of the things we must do is to observe ourselves carefully. If you see any of these signs then consult a doctor or a qualified complimentary practitioner.

These are some of the signs of diabetes:

  • Excessive thirst, hunger, and urination. 
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Unexplained exhaustion.
  • Dry and itchy skin.
  • Sugary, yellowish, acidic, aromatic urine.
  • Excessive urination with a pressing urge.
  • Tingling sensation in the limbs, or loss of sensation.
  • Decrease in sexual urge in adults.
  • Sores or other skin problems that heals slowly or not at all.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Constipation.
  • Shivering.
  • Spasms.
  • Burning sensation on the soles of the feet and spasmodic pains in the calf muscles.
Let me stress here that these are some of the signs that one may observe. Certainly your doctor will be able to tell you more. Many people will have experience more than one of these signs before realizing that they have diabetes. Remember it can happen to anyone. The chances for some of us are more than others. So the best thing to do is to consult with a doctor or qualified holistic practitioner. It is possible that 95% of the people who are using hypoglycemic tablets can get off those pills. 75% of the people using Insulin do not have to use it. So if you are tired of using these drugs or your blood sugar is out of control contact us at: 

Several factors determine our blood sugar levels, such as diet, amount of exercise, stress and how we manage it. Hormone activity is also a factor, including insulin, corticosteroids, and adrenaline. These hormones stimulate the release of glucose and its entry into the cells. These activities, in turn, either raise or lower our blood sugar levels. How well the body can regulate these levels can be determined by special tests. One such test is called GTT. 
This we will deal with in another session. The best way to deal with a diabetic situation is to work closely with your doctor, read as much as possible on the subject and keep an open mind. 

The normal blood sugar level is between 80 to 120mg/dl. Some doctors say it is 70-120. Blood sugar goes up after eating and returns to normal within two hours in the non-diabetic. A safe range for diabetics is 70-150. However they should do everything possible to keep it within the normal 70-120 ranges as much as possible. One of the things I have noticed even with non-diabetics is that their blood sugar readings if taken daily for one month, will have fluctuations from 55-120. 

So if you are diabetic and you observe a fluctuation from 55-180 do not be worried. This could be normal for you. Do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor. If it is more than 7-10 odd readings for the month then you have need to be concerned. Remember worrying will only send the blood sugar sky high. The best doctor and medicine will not be able to help you. Exercise, nutrition, relaxation and rest are the keys to healthy living.

Controlling the blood sugar level is very important to avoid complications. From 1983 to 1993, a program was conducted called diabetes control and complication trial in the US. The findings were as follows: 1,441 people were involved—both type l and ll. They found that by keeping the blood sugar levels close to normal as possible slowed the onset on progression of nerve, eye and kidney diseases that usually accompany diabetes. The conclusion was, any reduction in blood sugar levels, even in people with a history of poor glucose control, are very beneficial. Do whatever is necessary to lower your blood sugar level.

*This is a special message to all our youths. Especially if you’re parents or any elder relative has or had diabetes. Get in touch with our office. Set up an appointment to find out what you can do to prevent diabetes. We can definitely prevent this silent killer from creeping into our lives. E-Mail us at

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