Thursday, October 21, 2010

Get the Facts on FLAX

By Dr Gouri Maharaj (BPE. Med. MH. PhD.)

(Doctor of Naturopathy)

Flax has been know to be used by humankind since 5,000 BC. It was known to be cultivalited in Babylon. During 3,000BC, most burial chambers here depicted flax cultivation and even clothing made from the fibers of flax. Of course in 650BC Hippocrates worte about the use of flax as a food that relieves inflammation of the mucous memberane. It was extensively used for relief of abdominal pains and diarrhea.

Theophrastus had suggested it the use of flax mucilage against coughs and cold. Ofcourse the Vedas pointed out that in order for the true yogi to reach the stage of joy and contentment, flax must be eaten daily. During the first century flax was highly praised by Tacitus as having great virtues. Some great rulers like, Charlemagne considered falx to be so important for healthy living that he passed laws and regulations for it daily consumption. During the 13th century, Hildegard Von Begen used flax meal in hot compress for treatment of external and internal aliments.

Flax is the best known source of Linoleic (LA, C18:2) and linolenic (LNA, C18:3),two essential acids. It contains 45 grams of oil per 100 gram of flax seed. It has 57% of omega-3 and 16% of omega-6. analytical data has revealed that flax has a high level of dietary fiber-both soluble and insoluble fiber (AJCN 34: 1077-1981).

Flax was found to have the following per 100grams:

protein-21g. total lipid-45g, total dietary fiber-24.5g, ash-4.5g, water-5.0g, vitamin A- 18.8IU, vitamin E- 0.6IU, B-1-0.6mg, B-2-0.3mg, B-3-4.4mg, B-6-0.8mg, B-12- 0.5mg.

The amino acid analysis revealed the following: g/100g protein:

Alanine-5.4, Arginine-11.8, Aspartic acid-12.5, Cystine-3.8, Glutamic acid-26.3, Glycine-7.0, Histidine-2.9, Isoleucine=5.2, Leucine-6.8, Lysine-4.1, Methionine-2.2, Phenylalanine-5.3, Proline-5.2, Serine-5.8, Threoline-4.9, Tryptophan-1.8, Tyrosine-2.9 and Valine-5.6.

Stephen Cunnane,PhD (university of Toronto), said: "There's nobody who won't benefit from addiing flaxseed to his diet." It has F-iber, L-ignans, A-lpha linolenic acid, and is an X-cellent (excellent) addative to any diet.

When you do decide to start using flaxseed get the facts and get it organic certified or you may be short changed in your already deprived meal plans. So better get the whole flax and let it be organic. If you can't find it contact GSM.

Happy flaxing!

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