Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Dream World Was Once Reality

by Vishwaram Maharaj

A dream world. That is what I will describe to you. First let’s go back in time, to a place surrounded with trees, water, plants, and fruits. It’s a large forest-like place. There are rivers, ponds, and lakes nearby. The human body is immune. It is strong. It is made for this place. Imagine yourself in this place. You have no worries. You have no disease. You are surrounded by people when you want to be with people. When you wish to be alone you go into the forest. Animals are afraid of you because you are bigger, but you are kind to them. You don’t eat meat, therefore you live a very long life. It may sound odd, but this is not a dream world. This was once real.

As you can imagine, I can’t be talking about our present world nor can I see the future. It is the past. Long ago humans lived like this. Not all humans did, only the lucky ones. You could have been one of those lucky ones long ago. Now look at our world, scattered with all types of diseases and worries. Will I have enough money to pay for my child’s education? Will I ever get rid of this disease? Questions like these are asked by us everyday. Yet long ago we didn’t have to pay for education. Other humans offered their services for our services.

Diseases were rare long ago. Why was that? Well, first of all, humans were more fit back then. They roamed around the beautiful world and witnessed the wonderful happenings of their time. Second, humans had no worries back then, other than getting attacked by a predator, they could live very long. They did not eat too much or too little. They took care of their body and kept themselves thinking. They were social with others and they befriended animals.

In the present world, humans suffer from diseases from A-Z. There are so man diseases now that the list would be a few pages long. Worries are normal now. Mental diseases have developed, addictions, obesity, anorexia, bolemia, and much more. In our present world humans suffer from many kinds of diseases that never occurred long ago. Why is this? Why is it, in this time, medical drugs cannot help us, yet long ago nature was mans only tool? The answer is simple. Medical drugs are not needed. Nature has the cure.

Why should we use all types of combinations of chemicals when we can use combinations of plants to cure our diseases? There is no reason for it. In fact, diseases can be prevented by nature. Maybe this is why in our “Dream World” we never became sick. Never ill, never addicted, disease ridden or worried. Still wondering how this could ever be possible? If you haven’t got the message yet, here it is; GSM Inc. is a natural medicine producing company. For the benefit of the world, it has emerged as one of the leading herbal companies. Medical science has no answer to nature. Nature was given to us as a tool. Why not use it? Natural medicine, while more expensive, may be cheaper in the long run.

Just imagine yourself in a hospital room having to pay hospital bills and still have a disease. Then imagine that you took natural medicine to prevent that disease. Which scenario would you want to be in? I would choose the second and you would too. And the second would also be a reminder of our “Dream World.” The world we wish for everyday would be almost real again when we choose natural medicine. Our body will become stronger. We will become immune. And then, a long life will soon follow. So don’t dream of this “Dream World.” Live it! Become one of the few people to realize the true power of nature.

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