Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Amazing Technological BreakThrough - Part 1

Introducing the Worlds 1st inexpensive Ozone infused Portable Far Infrared Sauna.
By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE. Med. MH. PhD)

Finally…A technological breakthrough, making affordable the incredible health benefits of ozone and far infrared into one master therapy, previously available only to the rich and famous at their posh spas.

“I have come that ye may have life, and have it more abundantly.” John 10: 10

For professional and home use, featuring:

  • Body Fat Weight Loss
  • Deep Tissue Detoxification
  • Skin, Detoxification & Youthfulness
  • Physical & Mental Detoxification
  • Immune Enhancement
  • Speeding the healing process
  • Brain De-Fogging
  • Drug Detoxification
  • Joint, Arthritis & Muscle Aches
  • Cardio Vascular Fitness
  • Lymphoid Stimulation
These are just a few of the benefits that you may get by properly using the Far Infra Red Ozone Technology.

Have you ever been exposed to or experienced any of the following:

  • Mercury fillings
  • Exposed to exhaust fumes
  • Lack exercise
  • Lack sunshine and clean air
  • Exposed to second hand smoke
  • ever smoked
  • ever taken recreational drugs
  • Drink tap water
  • Excessive body fat
  • High Cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • High insulin
  • Bloat easily
  • Aches/pains
  • Junk food habit
  • chronic fatigue
  • Sleeping pills
  • Use cosmetics
  • Loss of libido
  • Diabetic
  • 15 pounds or more overweight
If you have been exposed or experienced 4 or more of the above you are a toxic time bomb waiting to explode!

We live on a Toxic Planet. We get sick for a number of reasons, primarily because we are inundated in a sea of life threatening toxins. Our food, air and water are affected. Nothing is immune. Each of us are bombarded 24/7 with toxins and stress. We are slowly being poisoned to death without even realizing it. Most of us are doing it to ourselves with our diet and lifestyle. Our final toxicity insult comes from our so called health care system. Iatrogenic disease (doctor/drug induced) is the fastest growing disease.

Most of what we call food today is nutrition depraved, acid forming, empty calories and very toxic. Our junk food industry drugs our food with known addictive agents that cause us to crave more junk food. We have become a nation of junkies.

We drink more toxic coffee and soda (soft drinks) than we do water. These substances cause metabolic acidosis and nutritional deficiencies. We create our own diseases. 85% of what is sold in our supermarkets is a toxic forming plastic like food that cannot sustain life. We are digging our own early graves with our forks, knives and spoons!

We are over-stuffed, over-medicated and overweight. Recent research suggested that patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s are dying faster because of the drugs that they were given to use. Blood tests reveal that most of us are sub clinically dehydrated, oxygen starved, not nutritionally sound and extremely toxic. The orthodox medical profession calls these bio-markers, “perfectly normal.” Toxicity, sickness, pre-disease, deficiencies are considered normal. What else could you expect from a chemical industry?

Our water supply can no longer assure us quality and safety of our water. Our entire water supply is a "toxic chemical soup.” This is what people are bathing in and some even drinking.
Today we are lucky if we can get 21% oxygen, on the seashore or the mountains. In most cities it goes down to 15% or lower. During rush hour it goes down to 10% or less. At 7% oxygen availability people begin to get irritated, depressed and some faint.

Our brains have become so toxic that the French wine propaganda industry has convinced us that drinking wine is good for our health. We’ve become a nation of liquor bibbers as we destroy our lives and our future generation.
What is the end result of a toxic body? Diminished debilitating health, compromised immune system, reduced quality of life, premature aging, loss of productivity, degenerative disease, sickness, misery, a “bankrupted health care system”, and an early miserable death!

What is the solution? In naturopathic medicine, we believe that the solution to toxicity is detoxification. Drugs are not the answer to our nation’s health crisis. It is imperative that each of us off set our daily exposure to life debilitation toxins with a regular, personal, ongoing detoxification program; Detoxification is a life time responsibility.
GSM has an amazingly effective solution that simply makes sense. One or two relaxing treatments per week in Detox Ozone’s Fired FAR infrared Sauna. Previously Ozone Fired FAR Infrared Therapy was only available to the rich and famous at their posh medical spas and retreats. GSM has taken this technology a step further and introduces an inexpensive sauna.

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