Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do Extraterrestrial Beings Exist?

By Vishwaram Maharaj

The universe is an almost infinite space containing billions upon billions of stars, planets, debris and others. According to scientists, our universe is made up of galaxies. What are galaxies? It’s hundreds of millions of stars and planets. So in a universe with billions of billions of planets, how could we know which planet is special? Easy, because the only planet that we know has life is this one. No other planet has proven to contain life. Although many had life before, could support life, or shows signs of life, there is no solid proof that there is life, so why do people believe in alien life?

Reason 1: Common sense

Use your common sense. Read the paragraph over if you have to. If there are billions upon billions of planets in the universe how could only ONE contain life? That would be preposterous. It wouldn’t make any sense. And why do scientists think life can only come from certain elements such as water? Can’t a being be brought up by another element? If there are so many galaxies, how can we assume we are alone? Questions like these could haunt skeptics, but it wont convince them. So what about UFO sightings?

Reason 2: UFO Sightings

Throughout the entire world there have been sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects in the sky. They miraculously fly in angles that would tear apart a human body and they vanish at the blink of an eye. Some say they have even been abducted. While all these scenarios could have easy solutions, it is still frightful to know that things are in the sky that we don’t know about. So other than UFOs what is another reason to assume there is alien life?

Reason 3: Government Concerns

Why is the government running programs to communicate with other life forms? Do they know something we don’t? I think so. All over the world governments want to find out if there are other life forms beyond this planet. With shady evidence coming from unknown people the government has to gather there own factual evidence. So this is what they are trying to do. But you have to look at what they are doing. They are looking for ways to contact other beings. If they didn’t believe in it, why did they start the program? I think that is a question many know the answer to.


Are aliens real? Are there beings more advanced than us living in galaxies far beyond ours traveling through space using their advanced technology to speed through worm holes and manipulate the space around them? Or is it just our imagination like the Loch ness Monster and the Yeti? Are alien abductions real or a hoax? These are questions many do not know the answers to including myself, so when we ask, “Do aliens exist?” The only ones who can answer are the aliens themselves.

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