Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Save the Planet!

by Vishwaram Maharaj

Without planetary winds you probably won’t be reading this article. Without rain, starving to death is certain. Without trees, plants and the sun we all will not be here. Nature affects us all the time, yet we seem to ignore the power of nature. We only think about nature when hurricanes, tornados, storms, or earthquakes happen. What about when trees and plants give off oxygen? We need nature, whether it be good or bad. Without trees and plants, rain and wind, we would not survive. Where would we be without our surroundings? Do you know these days that we live in are the luckiest days in human life? There are still trees and plants. There are still jungles and forests. But we seem to forget that in a few years there might not be anymore of this.

Not only will the effects of global warming affect us by flooding the entire planet and heating up the entire world, but there could be other factors that will affect us. In the future our planet will change. With more pollution we will not be able to reverse the powerful effects of global warming. And remember this when you think about life. Everything has to die. Birth is as sure a death. Even stars and planets die. And someday our sun will die. Scientists have already said it will be within five billion years. That’s a long time from now so why do we live like it will be in the next ten years.

We contaminate the planet with all types of polluted substances, nuclear waste, toxic fumes, garbage, etc. It seems as though we don’t care for our planet. It may not affect us about what is happening, but it will affect our children, and if not them our grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on. It will only continue to get worse. You maybe asking yourself, “How do I help?” It’s easy. Don’t litter. Don’t use toxic chemicals such as sprays or poisons that can contaminate our planet. Keep our planet clean. Soon there will be no more jungles. No more forests. Others will cut them all down just to make hotels or resorts.

Don’t let that happen. Protest the cutting down of trees. Stop the pollution on this planet. Use electric cars. Use hydrogen fueled cars. Use recyclable products. Protect our environment and be aware. Listen to what is going on with your planet. The government can’t help. They don’t own the planet. No one does. We don’t own anything in this world. We only rent it. Right now we are renting the land on this planet. We have to keep our land clean. We have to work together and keep a safe environment. Nature is very powerful. It is the very center of life. Without natural things we cannot survive. We are all made up of the earth. Let us all protect it.

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