Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dangerous Dieting

By Vishwaram Maharaj

In today’s world, there are many people all around the world who are obese and unhappy with their appearance. These people, who are everywhere, make the decision to finally diet, but sometimes they go the wrong way. They choose the wrong diets and ultimately fall ill or even die. All these advertisements that say lose weight fast could be true, but if you try some of them, you might see that some may be false. Taking rapid reduce weight loss supplements could be detrimental to a human body. Diets, surgeries and some supplements could be bad for a lot of people. Let’s start from the beginning!

Where does our energy come from?
Our energy comes from calories, which is a chemical form of energy in food. It is dependant on solar energy and it occurs in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. We need these 3 essential things in our body to live a healthy, happy life.

How do we burn this energy?

Calories are expended during mechanical work. Maintaining body temperature, the functioning of the organs, and growth can burn calories as well. When we burn calories on a day to day basis we can maintain our weight if we are fit, or we can lose weight if we are obese. It all depends on the amount of work we do.

When does under-nutrition occur?

This occurs when there is a calorie deficit. It can result from numerous amounts of things such as:
  • Failure of the food supply.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Fasting and anorexia nervosa.
  • Persistent Vomiting or inability to swallow.
  • Incomplete absorption.
  • Increased basal metabolic rate, such as, prolonged fever, over activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Loss of calories from the body.

What are these bad diets?
Body tissues are used as energy reserves. Body fat is the largest, most concentrated energy source and is used most. As energy deficit continues on, the proteins in muscles are used up. What is scary about bad dieting is that there is a massive loss of fat and a small loss of muscle tissue.
Some bad diets could include diets that make you stop consuming carbohydrates. Some carbohydrates are needed to produce energy in the body. If you totally stop consuming carbs it could be very dangerous. Also, if a diet says it can help you to lose weight fast it could be dangerous. The body cannot go through fast change. It has to go through change in steps. If you take supplements or get surgeries done you could lose weight very fast. You have to know which supplements are good for the body.

If you lose weight too fast you may have extra skin afterwards. If you want to lose weight to show off your body, don’t lose the weight too quick. If you do the extra skin might prevent you from doing so and you will have to go through unnecessary surgeries.

Another bad idea is to starve you. When you don’t eat the body will burn anything it can get for energy and sometimes that means muscles and good fats. You will be malnourished and will surely be in danger of dying.

The conclusion is simple. If you don’t want to be unhealthy, malnourished, or dead, learn the facts before you plan for the future. Use the right products. Exercise, eat healthy and maintain your weight, and watch as the results come by. Don’t be blown away by “Fast weight loss” supplements or by “great” surgeries to lose weight which just does more harm to the body. You do want to be healthy right? So choose the right plan.

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