Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dia Care Program - It is the body that heals itself!

A herbal treatment for people with diabetes (Type I or II)
By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

The Dia Care Program is an integrated approach to the healing process for the people who are referred to as diabetics (typeI or II). In this program the diabetic is slowly weaned from the drug medication while being introduced to an herbal preparation. During the first three months, the body is being detoxified at inter cellular level. This allows absorption to become greater. The cells being able to absorb a greater quantity of food and medicine begin to function more efficiently. The constant removal of free radicals from the cells allows for the increase in the anabolic process.

While the above is taking place within the systems, the metabolic process is evidently enhanced. The continuous use of specific herbal preparations during the next six to nine months, allows the entire body to begin a rejuvenation process. Remember: No doctor, no herb, nor any medicine can cure you. It is the body that heals itself. The herb or the medicine could enhance or regress the healing process. If you have the proper tools and materials, you can build a boat. If not, you may only dream of building it.

If the body gets the proper organic substances, it will repair itself or even build whatever may be required for it to function with great efficiency. Dr Thomas Edison said that the time would come when the anabolic process becomes so powerful that the catabolic process becomes impossible to identify. If we can put the right amount of the correct nutrients in the body, it will almost be impossible to see any signs of aging. Let us not confuse aging with maturity.

The appropriate nutrients allow for the harmonious functioning of the various systems in the body. The body in turn will operate in harmony with the mind; given the proper ingredients; in this case the thoughts and responses. Research have shown that patients who are emotionally disturbed will not respond positively to any treatment programs, even though they may have the best of care and medicine. Discord between the mind and body is a critical factor. Diabetics will know first hand that if they worry their blood sugar goes sky high and no medication can really bring it down if they don’t stop worrying.


You are being introduced to the process of relaxation so that your body and mind will be able to communicate properly. Of course most of us or all of us have a certain level of communication with the body and mind. This process must be enhanced if we are to bring about a positive change. Remember: we all think that we are doing the right thing until something goes wrong. Then we ask ourselves the question- where did I go wrong? The only time we realize that something is wrong is when it has happened. Regardless of where we did go wrong, the fact remains that there is a problem. The problem is diabetes. The problem is to be solved.

* If not solved it will cause other problems.

Problems like the malfunctioning of the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, eyes and many others. These may be physical, emotional, spiritual, social and every other facet. One thing affects the other and the other and the result is a chain reaction. We could become a “walking pharmacy.” First it is diabetes, then the kidneys, the eyes, vascular diseases, impotence, or vaginal dryness and so much more, even amputation of bodily parts can occur in extreme conditions. Our Dia Care program helps to prevent further damage to your system by initiating a “building up” process. As you continue this program your body is attempting to strike a balance. It is working towards reviving the normal functioning of the various systems.

By now the diabetic could be completely off all drug medication. The responses of different individuals may vary. The time for this to take place may vary. In extreme conditions it may even be longer than anticipated. The degree of success depends upon how much you really want to succeed. Not saying this from the top of your lips only but from deep within the unconscious mind. Many researchers have found that we sometimes tend to hide behind our diseases or problems. A good example of this is when a friend calls and asks you how you are doing and you reply, “Well, since I got diabetes it really has me down and I don’t even think of going anywhere or doing anything too much. I am not as healthy as I was before. I have stopped doing the things I used to do before.”

Some of us say these things looking for sympathy from friends and relatives. I remember a friend of mine who was involved in almost everything from sports to spirituality. One day I saw him taking some tablets so I asked him, “What are those for?” He said, “I have been a diabetic for the past seven years, but I don’t let it prevent me from living. I am not going to allow diabetes to take control of my life. I will continue living.” This type of positive attitude will allow us to look at new ideas and open our minds to alternate methods of approach to the same thing. With its group support, our Dia Care Program will help you to keep a positive attitude to life as well as open mindedness to new ideas.

Much can be said about diabetes and the Dia Care program. The fact remains that it means nothing unless we put the plan into action. It is the quality and quantity of dedication that we put into any project that will determine the degree of success. Let us open our minds to a different approach and put some action in this unique plan. It is a plan that has gives results and will continue to do so, results that have not been surpassed by any other program in existence.

Contact GSM Inc. now to Set up a consultation with a holistic doctor. Begin your program, follow it to the letter and you will see for yourself. The result will be more than you have ever wished. You owe it to yourself to seek help. You must give some time to yourself. Do not ignore the needs of your body. Let this be a new beginning, the beginning of the end of diabetes in your life. Give yourself three months in this program. If you see that you have improved your quality of life health wise, then make it your obligation to continue. Doing nothing is another way of saying NO to a promising treatment plan. The best time to start is NOW. You make the first step and GSM Inc. will step as close as possible to your individual needs.

If you or someone you know is a diabetic, let it be your obligation to seek better health now. Choose alternate health care. This is what we provide at GSM Inc. Contact us now. This may be the decision that will make a difference in your life, a difference that you will remember for the rest of your life and would be happy to share it with others.

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