Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Emergency Room - A Story that should never happen!

by Vishwaram Maharaj

A great pain shot through his left arm. He sat down on his couch with a sandwich at his side and the television in front of him. With his feet on top of the coffee table, he raised his right arm and touched his left. A sharp pain now came across his chest. He began to sweat. He did not know what was happening. As tears came rolling down his eyes from the pain, he began to get up. Being a very large person he moved sluggishly. As he yelled to his wife and children, he dropped on the floor. Hearing the hard thud on the ground, his family rushed to his aid. As they looked onward they saw him. Unconscious on the ground, unflinching, unmoving.

As his wife called the ambulance, his little children watched as their father lay unconscious on the floor. They began to cry. His wife soon rushed towards him to comfort him as he lay face down. The paramedics came through the door in a blur. Very quickly they came, but due to his weight they moved slowly going out. Time was not on his side. He was taken to the hospital, in the emergency room.

The nurse went up to the doctor as she had seen many of these cases before. She whispered, “It’s another one.” The doctor shook his head and walked into the room. They began to try and revive him. As the doctor figured out the problem, he rushed him into the surgical room. His wife and children waited impatiently outside as he was being operated on. Hours had passed, now days. Opening his eyes he felt a pain in his chest. As he looked down he saw it…A cut in his chest. He began to weep. He knew what had happened. He knew he was lucky. He had survived something that few people do.

His wife and children held him as he wept. He opened his mouth to begin to speak, but he could not. He could understand what they said, but they couldn’t understand what he said. He could not move the left side of his body. Not his arm or his leg. He could not talk properly. He was worst off than he thought. He had a stroke. He was overweight, unhealthy, and his body was weak. He did not exercise nor did he eat right.

As the onlookers went by, they told themselves, “That would never happen to me. I will eat healthy from NOW on.” People that were just like him, his exact size and his exact lifestyle, did not know how lucky they were. They had to witness it with their own eyes to finally realize that their way of life was wrong. That the foods they ate were unhealthy, that an unhealthy lifestyle could not only lead to heart problems and disease, but numbness, loneliness, and seclusion. His life after this trip to the emergency room would never be the same. His wife had to bathe him, brush his teeth, and clothe him. He could never express himself to his family. All because of the food he ate.

As he continued his life, he taught people. As they saw him they began to see that an unhealthy diet would be the end of them. People wanted to live, and as they saw him they changed their way of life. But it was so sad that a tragedy had to happen for others to see that their way of life was not right. Influenced by his story and stories like his, others lives were changed. And now you're hearing this story and your life will surely change.

In which way it changes is ultimately your choice.

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