Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Cold Hard Truth - Natural or Medical Medicine?

By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

Do you feel thirsty a lot? Do you urinate frequently? Do you suffer from skin changes? Do you have constant headaches and pains? Do you have leg pains? Do you have eye problems? Do you have numbness or tingling in your feet? Do you feel dizzy? Do you sleep properly? Do you get tired quickly?

* If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be a diabetic or on your way to one. You should visit your doctor. Get a GTT done. It is one of the most reliable tests that can indicate whether you are a diabetic or not.

More than 40% of the world population over the age of forty has been diagnosed with type II diabetes. Another 15% are not even aware that they are diabetic. Modern day allopathic medicine has provided successful ways to perform surgery on the pancreas causing it to develop new beta cells. Of course it is very costly and only a few research institutions are able to do this procedure. Diabetes is known to be a very costly disease and to date western science has not been able to cure this silent killer.

Ancient natural medicine has been suggesting that there are naturally occurring herbs and substances that are capable of assisting the pancreas to function normally. “Western Science” however has not embraced this concept. Hulda R Clark, a world famous Doctor of Naturopathy and Doctor of Physiology, proved that it is not only possible to reverse diabetes but every incurable disease could in fact be cured. Dr. M. Attkins, another renowned medical doctor, left the practice of “Western Medicine.” Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Whittaker, both of international repute, did the same. Their new field is now “Natural Healing” of the body, mind and spirit. The “Natural healing” ways basic principle is “Do the patient no harm and to let thy food be thy medicine.”

The Human body is organic in nature. Western science has chosen to put inorganic substances into this “organic system.” The substances derived from an inorganic source are known to be of more harm than goodness to the “organic system” known as the body. In spite of this fact most allopathic practitioners have chosen to pump drugs into the human body. While drug medicine has its place in the life of the living organism, one must understand that the abuse of anything is detrimental. It is indeed sad to note that while there are so many drugs available on the market (having so many side-effects); our administration is attempting to control the use of natural herbs instead. It leaves us to wonder why? The substances that are derived from organic sources are definitely more compatible with the organic human system. It will therefore be more beneficial to us.

Within the past twenty-five years, many researchers who are attached to universities have been able to research certain herbs and have published alarming results. These results verify the writing of many cultures such as the Chinese, East Indians, Africans and Native Americans. These studies have led to a greater sense of awareness in the field of “Natural Medicine.” Since 1993, in the United States, over $90 billion have been spent per anum on alternate medicine, than that spent on traditional western medicine. This fact has now caused the insurance companies to look into supporting the claims of vitamins, dietary supplements, and fees of “Natural Healers” and holistic practitioners. Of course many allopathic doctors have not yet admitted that they treat the symptoms and not the cause of the disease. To be a little more specific the symptoms are really being suppressed while the disease is still continuing its cycle.

Natural medicine attempts to find the cause of the symptoms and assist the body to heal itself. With this concept in mind Holistic Theology became a practice not only for Natural Healers but also many “true western medical doctors.”

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