Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dia Care Program - The Procedures That Take Place

By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.Med.MH.PhD)

I have implemented this Program for the past seven years. It is presently being used for type I and type II diabetes. The program was founded on the basis that the pancreas is not totally ‘dead’ in diabetics. Hypothetically, if the pancreas could be revived or revitalized, it will be able to do the work it should have been doing. The final aspect is that the pancreas should, after a certain period, be able to function normally. As we all know there are many side effects of the various drugs that are used to assist the diabetic patients. The holistic approach is different. There are no side effects as that in the patient who is using a drug treatment.

The program is a simple one. The patient is given herbal (a) supplement(s) and told how to use it (the supplement.) The dosage is fixed and may be adjusted if necessary.

Stage 1: In the first stage of the program it is observed that the patient is being detoxified. Free radicals and toxins are being removed from the body at an inter-cellular level. During this stage the drug that the patient is using will be reduced by about 15%. The patient would be on a special diet (his/her recommended diet as suggested by the doctor or dietitian).

Stage 2: During the second stage the patient will be detoxifying at a slower rate. The herbs would then be supporting the activities of the pancreas. Now the patient will have another 15% reduction in the drug that is being used.

*Some patients, at this stage, have been able to reduce their drug intake by more than 50%. The norm however is 30%.

Stage 3: This is the third month. Most of the patients are ready to do a GTT test at this stage. Depending on the result of the test the patient may be able to get off the drug totally.

If the test is not satisfactory, then the drug is further reduced by 30-50%. And the herbs are being used in the same manner. The advice of the medical doctor is important now (as to whether the patient should be totally off the drugs or not).

Stage 4: This stage takes another three months. By this time all patients are totally off any diabetic drugs. They are strictly on herbal supplements. They would be eating normally (no special diet program). As during all stages testing is necessary. Patients are to keep a strict record of the sugar level and blood pressure.

Stage 5: This is a stage in which the patient is exposed to a pattern of food that they were accustomed to even as a youth. The use of candies and sugars are encouraged. The idea is to observe the patients physiological response to the herbal program. Adjustments are to be made here in accordance with the results. This process lasts for at least three months. In some cases it took five to six months.

Stage 6: Now the patient is to be weaned. The herbal supplements are to be reduced slowly. This process may take between eight to twelve months. The first stage involves using the product six days a week for one month (again strict monitoring and record of the blood sugar level and blood pressure is suggested all through the program). If all is well then the patient is to reduce it by another day during the next two months. All conditions being normal, the patient again reduces the frequency of use by three days for another two months. This process is continued until the patient has reached to one day a week. This one-day per week is continued for at least three months. During the first stage and the final stage of the program, the patient is to undergo a GTT test.

The last test when proven to be free from diabetes, the patient should be advised to follow this program at least twice a month for the next six months. This part of the program is a precautionary measure. The patient need not do this, however I suggest this to all my patients. In this manner there is a degree of alertness for preventative measures during the lifetime of the patient.

The need for the medical doctor to observe the process is important from the standpoint that both patient and doctor can observe what is going on. In event of any emergencies the doctor is able to assist the patient in whatever aspect that may be necessary. The doctor will have to prescribe GTT tests and explain to the patient the results.

The program is very interesting and offers a scope for greater understanding between patient and doctor. It also gives the patient more confidence in handling his/her health needs. This is what we emphasize if we are to tell the patients that their health is in their hands.

I have implemented this program with a high degree of success and am willing to give all the guidance that may be required. I know that allopathic medicine has stressed that there is no cure for diabetes. This of course is true. THIS IN NOT AN ALLOPATHIC CURE, IT IS A HERBAL PROGRAM WHICH ALLOW THE PANCREAS TO WORK BETTER AND ALLOW THE DIABETIC TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE ONCE AGAIN.

I invite any one to observe this program with an open mind and I assure you that within six months any ‘real doctor’ will agree that there are alternate routes to the attainment of better health. LET US OPEN OUR HEARTS, OUR MIND AND OUR LIFE TO DIFFERENT IDEAS, ESPECIALLY IF WE ARE SERIOUS ABOUT “DOING THE PATIENT NO HARM.”

Thank you,

Gourinarine Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga Therapist.

1 comment:

  1. Where are the gsm health centers located for this treatment?
