Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Fall of the Human Race

by Vishwaram Maharaj

Reading the title you might get scared. Well, YOU SHOULD, but I assure you, the fall of the human race will not be an asteroid hurdling through space on a mission to collide with earth. The fall of the human race will not be the implosion of our mightiest star, the sun. The fall of the human race will not be an alien invasion nor will it be an all out nuclear war that ends the entire world. Our downfall will be much simpler than that. It is so simple, some may not even realize. So your wondering now, what is it? What is our downfall? The answer is so easy…

It is laziness! As you all know we are in the age of technology. We have a machine for everything, sewing, planting, hearing, packing, etc. Machines have essentially taken over, but it’s not like how it sounds. These machines aren’t like those villainous intelligent robots in science fiction movies. They can’t do anything by themselves; they need us in order for them to operate. But look at what has happened.

If you ask the average person, “how much hours a day do you watch your television?” They would probably say 4-6 hours a day. That’s bad. Surely these people aren’t exercising while watching their favorite shows, their probably lying on a bed or a couch and eating. They take in more calories than they burn, then they wonder why they are out of shape. They most likely have wireless remotes so they won’t have to get up and change the channel as well.

We have phones to call restaurants and order out instead of cooking our own food. These restaurants are most likely unhealthy and not nutritional. They add more calories to a person’s body. The calories don’t get burned with the lack of exercise and it becomes fat. We have vehicles to take us to where we want to go, even if its five blocks away. Instead of walking and burning fat, we sit in a seat and let the machine work again. Even standing on a line gets unbearable for us. We have lost all our strength from long ago. We have no energy.

Then we have computers and the internet, the highway of information. One click and you can see anything you wish. But ten years down the road you may need glasses to see anything you wish. Because of the technology in the world, the human race is slowly becoming infected. It is becoming infected with sickness and disease. Because of technology we have become lazier. First there was the broom. Now there is the vacuum. First there was the stone wash, now there is the washing machine. Who knows what there will be in the future?

But one can only think it will get worst. The problem is not technology. The problem is the human mind being affected by technology. “If the machine does it for me, why should I do it for myself?”

Good question! If you ask this question, then listen to my question, “If you don’t do it yourself sometimes, how will you get rid of your problems?” Although a machine can do things faster, we should take it upon ourselves to take care of our bodies. Technology was created for good not evil. It was not created to make us lazy. It was created to help us. Do not use it the wrong way.

Exercise and eat healthy foods. Read books and educate yourself. Learn about the entire world. I know you could do it in one click in cyberspace, but you know you could do it in real life. Exercise and take care of your body. If every human could do this, nothing will be our downfall. We will be the long reigning champions of this planet. We will be rid of sickness and disease. Just by exercising we could change the very course of time and show the people of the future that we were healthy, intelligent beings.

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