Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Evolution to a Vegetarian Diet

By Vishwaram Maharaj

Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
When we ask, “Who was the greatest mind of the 1900s?” only one name comes to our mind, Albert Einstein. He was absolutely a great thinker. Solving problems and developing theories that no one could disprove even today, he was truly a great mind, yet no one seems to listen to what he says. If the consensus is that he was so great and so smart, why shouldn’t we follow what he says right?

Wrong! Millions, maybe billions of people around the world eat meat products. There is no concern for animal welfare or the diet of human beings. Over and over again we see others eat meat everyday, so much so that we are becoming sick from eating them and even contracting diseases eating them. Do you think I’m wrong?

How about heart disease? The arteries are clogged from all the fat in meat. We can get heart attacks and die, yet no one seems to care. Researchers Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn have a program that includes a vegetarian diet and is currently one of the few programs that have been proven to reverse heart disease. A vegetarian diet reduces cholesterol and heart disease. Also there is no concern for animals.

What about the beings we share this planet with?

Without plants we would have no oxygen and probably won’t be here right now. Without lions there wouldn’t be a steady regulation of animals. Without birds pollen would not be transferred to other plants as much as it is now. Without a cow we would have no milk, cheese, or any other dairy product. We need animals on this earth, they don’t need us. Why do we need to eat meat when there are plants? We can get the same amount of benefit from them and never contract any diseases from them.

Animals on farms don’t grow up like they do in those movies. In real life they are tortured, forced fed there own waste, pumped with drugs and made to grow, produce, and reproduce as fast as possible. Animals are being hurt on farms everyday. Within days of their birth, small chicks’ beaks are seared off and later on animals are killed while conscious by cutting their throat. The bad treatment of these animals should not be tolerated!

Think about these facts:

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has reported that vegetarians are less likely to get cancer by 25 to 50 percent. – How does that make you feel? That you are causing your own diseases? That you are killing yourself with meat? Still not convinced? Then here are some more facts for you:
Studies have shown that when there is too much protein in our diet it can cause loss of bone calcium therefore causing osteoporosis.
Research has found that meat contains accumulations of pesticides and other chemicals that are fourteen times more than what is contained in plants.
Did you know half of all antibiotics used in the United States are used in farm animals? Even worse, 90% of that is not used to treat infections, but to promote growth causing the animal to be abnormal or develop diseases.
Too much protein intake could also cause kidney stones and gallstones. The body produces calcium to counteract the extra protein causing stones to develop. – It may be a bad idea to eat meat right? If you’re still undecided, read on.
The FDA has found that the number one source of food-borne illness is poultry.
Up to 60% of chicken sold at your local supermarket are infected with salmonella bacteria.
30% of pork is riddled with toxoplasmosis (A parasitic disease).

The dawn of a new age must begin. We can’t keep up with this bad life style. Do we seriously want to be infected with Mad Cow disease, foot and mouth disease and a host of others? Think about the animals, and your health. And now think about this:

The Environment around Us!

Did you know that when we raise animals on farms that they contaminate the water and pollute soils and the water they get? It even takes more land to produce farm animals than to produce the equivalent amount of plant foods. We are cutting down more and more plants to raise these animals and causing global warming to become a reality. All around the world rain forests are destroyed to make cattle ranches. Predators are shot and poisoned because they roam around the land the cattle is raised.

There is also an inefficient use of energy. Take a look at these two lines and try to see what the difference is:
To produce one calorie of protein in beef twenty eight calories of fossil fuel is needed.
To produce one calorie of protein in soybeans only two calories of fossil fuel is needed.

It seems as though all our technological advancements have gone down the drain with all the wasting we do. We don’t even think about our future anymore do we? Did you know two thousand six hundred and forty gallons of water is needed to produce one pound of edible beef? Why do we need all this water? So now you’re saying, “Hey, don’t worry about it. The earth is made up of 70% of water. We can all share it right?” Absolutely right, but fresh water is totally different from salt water. We need our fresh water, but over half of the water used in the United States is used to raise animals on farms.

It is also weird that 70% of US grain production is used to feed farm animals, when it could be used for human beings. We are doing all these extra steps for nothing. We don’t need to eat meat. We don’t need to kill animals. We don’t need to be riddled with diseases. Think about your health. It is your choice and your choice alone. Only you can choose to do what you want to do. But remember this; you have the power to change the entire system with your choice, whether good or bad. So please, make the smart, healthy, and happy choice.

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