Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Introduction to GSM Herbal Teas

At GSM Herbal Health Care we offer all sorts of products, from encouraging, knowledgeable books to painkilling, sweet smelling oils, we have the best of all worlds right here on this website. And best of all, it is all natural, fantastically formulated, all natural products packaged and served to you with the greatest of care. Yet one category in our plethora of products which seems to confuse people are our Herbal Teas. So instead of forcing our product upon you like others do, we will let you decide once you read this article and add to your knowledge of all natural/herbal products. To begin, we must know what a herbal tea is:

Defining a Herbal Tea:

"A herbal tea is a synergistic blend of herbs found in their raw, unrefined, and natural state. Nothing is added or taken away. Each formula combines a number of different individual herbs each traditionally known to be effective by themselves. Up to twenty to thirty powerful herbs are blended into one unique master formula. The good news is unlike drugs no serious long term harm can be done with their use."

-Abunda Life Laboratories

A Deeper Look at Herbal Teas:

This definition of a herbal tea is on point and explains very well what a herbal tea is. But we must delve into the definition a little deeper to fully gain knowledge of these products. First of all it states, "A herbal tea is a synergistic blend..". We must first look at the definition of Synergy which is the root word of "synergistic". Synergy can be defined as "two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently." Therefore if we reread the sentence, we will formulate the hypothesis that a herbal tea is, in fact, an assortment of herbs that produce an affect when together than when they are separate.

If, by our new definition, a herbal tea is created, it will be created in such a way that all the ingredients combined will create a certain effect. A herbal tea is just like a supplement, but with minor differences. One difference is that a herbal tea is much more natural than a supplement. While supplements can be all natural, vegetable capsules and preservatives can be found in some. In a herbal tea, there are only the herbs inside the product. Now what is a Herb? A herb is a plant which has a certain medicinal effect. The combination of these herbs can be powerful positive side effects. With the assortment of the right herbs a powerful formulation can be created. With this powerful formulation directed at a specific target, such as weight loss, hair growth, etc. we get powerful results.

Steps for Preparing our Herbal Teas:

The other difference that herbal teas have from supplements is their power. They are raw, unrefined and untampered with. In order to get the powerful effects we boil two gallons of water for five minutes in a stainless steel pot. We then take only two tablespoons of our herbal tea and place it into the pot. We let it boil for about five more minutes. This process lets the power of the herb seep into the water and empower the water with its magnificent effects. Thus the ending result will be a healthy, powerful, energy giving herbal tea.

*Even though the leaves have been boiled it is important that we do not strain the leaves, we should drink the leaves as well which will give us more of the powerful effects.

The Bottom Line:

As we revert back to our previous definition given to us by Abunda Life Laboratories, we see that not one, not two, but twenty to thirty herbs are blended into one master formula, thus creating a fantastic formula with powerful results. But in the end, it isn't the company that decides your choice of product, it is you. So what do you think? Visit our GSM Store and read up on all our products while we continuously give you knowledge on all our products and more!

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