Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Natural Way or Drugs?

by Vishwaram Maharaj

Ever wonder why doctors give you medication only when you have a problem? Do you question whether medication is right for you when you see the side effects? Why do so many people use medication? These are the questions many people ask themselves when thinking about medical drugs. When questions like these are raised many people would just brush them off and ask, “What other way is there?” With medical drugs there are so many side effects, you probably ask yourself, “Is it worth it? Is it the only way?” The answer to both of those questions is No, a very big no. Let me show you an example.

Amy has a heart problem. She goes to her local physician and she is prescribed medicine. The side effects are diarrhea, headaches, bleeding, etc. It may sound like minor side effects, but soon it can add up. If you keep taking the drug you can have less water in your body because of the side effects of diarrhea. You may suffer a lot because of constant headaches. You may feel weak from constant bleeding of your nose. The medication will let you live, but not without suffering. What if I told you there was another way? It’s obvious. It’s a natural way. I bet if someone offered Amy a product that could do the same thing to help her heart with no side effects she would take it no matter the cost. And most people would be like that.

Well, those kinds of products are here. Have you ever looked back in history? If you have, you might notice that no one suffered from obesity long ago. No one suffered from heart diseases, heart attacks, or diabetes. All these problems are new to us because of the food we eat which contain all sorts of chemicals. The best way is the natural way. Eat natural food. Take natural medication. Drink naturally created juices such as, water, orange juice, apple juice, mango juice, etc. Why did our ancestors never have problems like what we are facing today?

The answer is simple. They went the natural way. They didn’t know about all kinds of chemicals. They used herbs and special plants to cure themselves, whether it is wounds, sicknesses or diseases. Nature was created for our use. We can use nature to our advantage and I can tell you I use it to my advantage everyday. Now because of companies like GSM Inc. you can get all natural products for low prices and great discounts. You can use nature to your advantage. Don’t use drugs that can have horrible side effects. Trust nature. Choose the Natural way.

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