Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is Arginine Complex? - A look at the GSM Product

Supplies the body with amino acids and builds proteins for the human body. One of the best protein supplements. - 100 Tablets.


One of the active ingredients in this supplement is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is an amino acid that helps the body to get rid of ammonia, which is a waste product. It is also used to make compounds in the body such as creatine which helps the body gain muscle mass quickly. L-Arginine also makes L-glutamate and L-proline and can be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed. L-Arginine is used make nitric oxide, which is a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Studies have also shown that L-Arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed, such as erectile dysfunction, atherosclerosis, and other blood vessel related disorders. L-Arginine is also involved in protein formation. In larger amounts, L-Arginine stimulates the release of hormones, growth hormones and prolactin which may help with many bodily disorders. 

*L-Arginine should not be used after a heart attack because of its powerful effects on blood vessels.


Another active ingredient in our Arginine-Complex is, L-Ornithine. L-Ornithine allows for the disposal of excess nitrogen. Ornithine is not an amino acid coded for by DNA, and therefore, is not involved in protein synthesis. However, in mammalian non-hepatic tissues, the main use of the urea cycle is arginine biosynthesis, so, as an intermediate in metabolic processes, ornithine is quite important. L-Ornithine aids L-Arginine in its muscle building process.


The last active ingredient is L-Alanine. L-Alanine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning it can be manufactured by the human body, and does not need to be obtained through diet. Alanine is found in a wide variety of foods, but is particularly concentrated in meats, therefore vegetarians who want to build muscle can use our formula of Arginine Complex. Vegetarian sources of this, however, are beans, nuts, seeds, soy, whey, brewer's yeast, brown rice, bran, corn, legumes, and whole grains.

The Bottom Line:

This complete formula also includes, Gelatin, Magnesium, Stearate, and Stearic acid. Together these ingredients combined create a powerful formula for natural muscle building. Try it for yourself. 100% natural supplement from GSM Herbal Health Care.

Go to the GSM Store now!

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