Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do you Suffer From Hypothyroidism?

By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Muscle cramps
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty loosing weight
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems
  • Unable to tolerate cold temperatures
  • Hands and feet constantly cold
  • Constipation

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have a sluggish thyroid gland. On the other hand some people who suffer from this problem may not have any symptom at all. It is sad to say that this is one of the most misdiagnosed and ill-treated problem in the medical industry. Lack of proper function of our thyroid gland could lead to life-threatening coma or even heart failure. While in milder situations it may result in confusion and delirium.

Research has indicated that the average person need less than a teaspoon of iodine per year for proper thyroid function. Strange but true more than half of us do not get this. Without this iodine the thyroid gland cannot produce the hormones that are required for the metabolic processes which in turn provide the necessary energy for cellular function.

It sounds great when we go to the grocery and but iodized salt to use in our food. This makes us feel that we are certainly getting enough iodine. Yes we may be getting it however her come the other problem.

Iodine is a member of halogen family and this very family has some of its members in our water and toothpastes. What is happening then when we drink this water that contains chloride and fluoride compounds?

There are also certain common foods that may hinder the absorption or even cause the iodine that your body my get in various foods to be inactive. An excessive amount of certain foods (which may even be good for us) may render iodine inactive. Certain foods that have a phytoestrogenic quality behave like hormones and may alter the delicate balance of the thyroid hormones.

If you are experiencing any or all of the above symptoms you need to consult a doctor. A sluggish thyroid means a lot of things are out of control. You hypothalamus and pituitary glands will also malfunction. The pituitary gland tends to compensate for the low thyroid function thereby producing more thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This can ultimately be a real problem. You need to address this. If your TSH level is greater than 2.5 you have a serious problem. If your doctor does not do something about it you should get a second opinion.

Getting the right treatment is essential or else you may be on drugs for the rest of your life. There are many natural substances that may be able to assist your body to get back to normal function. You may have to change your diet or even your lifestyle. These to my mind are far better than living on drugs for the rest of your life. The choice is yours. Do enjoy the best of health with maximum wealth and prosperity with peace and love.

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