Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Amazing Technological BreakThrough - Part 3 - What is Ozone?

Introducing the Worlds 1st inexpensive Ozone infused Portable Far Infrared Sauna.
By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.Med.MH.PhD)

Ozone is an energized form of oxygen. Basically super oxygen containing an extra election. You may remember back in high school chemistry you learned that the atomic structure of oxygen is O2. What makes ozone so beneficial is its extra molecule of oxygen. Ozone is O3.

Ozone is a water soluble gas that is a very powerful antibacterial, germicidal, anti-fungicidal agent. Ozone causes other substances to consume oxygen which is the great purifier, cleanser and detoxifier.

Ozone is a water soluble gas that is a very powerful antibacterial, germicidal, anti-fungicidal agent. Ozone causes other substances to consume oxygen which is the great purifier, cleanser and detoxifier.

If ozone was patentable it would be considered the greatest discovery in the history of medicine. It is faster acting than the pharmaceutical industry’s most powerful antibiotic, drug or chemotherapy agents. Ozone kills harmful bacteria, viruses, cancers, fungi, Candida, pathogens, waste materials and toxins by attaching to them, neutralizing, oxidizing and annihilating them.

Unlike drugs, antibiotics and chemotherapy agents, ozone kills the bad guys (bad cells) without harming the good guys (healthy cells). Drugs suppress and destroy the immune system. Ozone supports, restores and boosts the immune system.

Ozone is such a powerful purifier that it is capable of converting raw sewage into pure drinking water. It is for this reason that many major cities of Europe have been using ozone for 100 years, rather than toxic chemicals substances in their drinking water.

Some people confuse ozone with toxic smog. Negatively charged ozone is naturally attracted to positively charged pollutants. Ozone is always found near smog because it dehydrogenates hydrocarbons. It is nature’s great purifier, always attacking pollutants.

Ozone therapy is forbidden! The medical/drug establishment forbids any doctor to use ozone as a treatment for any named medical condition. Drugs alone treat disease in America. There’s no law yet, that prevents us from cleansing, purifying and detoxifying ourselves. Our Great Physician, God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, gave us His handiwork ozone for His purpose.


  • Clears the brain of accumulated drug residues.
  • Accelerates brain cell repair.
  • Super oxygenates the brain cells
  • Relieves brain fog, improving memory
  • Improves range of motion and joint flexibility.
  • Reduces blood and body acidity.
  • Cleans out clogged pores in the skin.
  • Improves skin circulation.
  • Addresses the true source of body odor.
  • Speeds the healing of leg ulcers and wounds.
  • Addresses toxicity load associated with allergies, asthma and congestion.
  • Boosts immune system, increases fighter cell function.
  • Adjusts autonomic nerve function, reduces over stimulating of sensory nerves.
  • Stimulates enzyme activity as it detoxifies at the cellular level.
  • Promotes the dilation and strengthening of capillaries
  • Increases peripheral circulation, normalizing blood pressure.
  • Helps joint oedema, sprains, gout and tendonitis.
  • Relaxes stress, tension, tightness and anxiety.
  • Energizes the cells, combats chronic fatigue.
  • Inhibits the growth of anaerobic organisms.
  • Kills harmful bacteria, viruses and pathogens.
  • Enables the body to cleans itself from toxins
  • Annihilates fungi, yeast and Candida.
  • Cancer cells can not live in oxygen.
  • Degrades petrochemicals and heavy metals
  • Up-regulates every gland, organ and system of the body.
  • Makes the antioxidant enzyme system more effective.
  • Accelerates the Krebs cycle.
  • Stimulates the secretion of Interleukin Two.
  • Chilates heavy metals and environmental pollutants.
  • Cleans arteries and veins.
  • Inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast and protozoa.
  • Normalizes hormone and enzyme production.
  • Oxidizes toxins, speeding their excretion.
  • Purifies the blood and lymph.
  • Stimulates cellular oxygen metabolism.
  • Prevents and reverses degenerative disease.
  • Stimulates cellular oxygen metabolism.
  • Significantly raises blood oxygen levels.
  • Stimulates the production of tumour necrosis factor TNF.
  • Increases metabolism, burns calories and fat cells.
  • Converts fat to energy, cellulite a cell like substance is made up of fat and fluid 
  • Toxins, becomes trapped in pockets below the skin, FAR Infrared waves help correct the condition by perfuse sweating from deep within the cells.
  • Research by NASA in 1980 concluded that FAR Infrared stimulation of the cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flights.
  • Cancerous cells can not live in an oxygen rich environment where good blood circulation exists. A cancer cell has to settle down. Ozone disintegrates them. Cancer cells have a weakness. Heat and ozone exploits that weakness. The combination of FAR Infrared and oxygen is a powerful preventative force against cancer.

Like a camp fire made of wet wood, if you’re toxic, your cellular garbage isn’t going to burn real well. The cellular garbage lowers oxygen levels, combustion is going to be very low, body fat is going to store more and more and you’re going to have less and less energy and every system of your body is going to work less efficiently.

You must cleanse, detoxify and purify the garbage, toxins, pathogens and various plant form out of your body before it is even remotely possible for you to become consistently healthy, fit and nutritionally sound. Only Far Infrared and Super oxygen can clean your cells out completely. If toxins are constantly saturating your body, your immune system will become compromised and cause toxins to build up even more. As we get older toxicity can multiply exponentially, especially if we’re drugging symptoms rather than detoxifying and saturating with super oxygen.

Saturating your body with oxygen will create the necessary bio-energy to push out all the garbage and the unnatural stuff that doesn’t belong there. Your body has been constantly working doesn’t belong there. Your body has been constantly working overtime to take out the garbage, but you’ve never had enough cellular oxygen to complete the job. AS a result, the garbage has been taking you out; because you haven’t been taking the garbage out.

Almost every virus, bacteria, fungi, cytoplasm, parasite and other pathogen’s found in all diseases including HIV, arthritis, heart disease, cancer chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr, Candida, hepatitis and every other anaerobic disease. Anaerobic simply means the disease cannot live in oxygen, the fact is no disease bugs can live in oxygen.

Super Oxygen always enhances the immune system and every other system, including the digestive, eliminative, energy generation, mental faculties. Above all else, “GSM’s” Ozone Infused Far Infrared Sauna removes free radicals from every cell of the body while it saturates every organ, every nerve and every cell of your body with super oxygen. This incredible double barrel treatment pulls toxins out while it infuses super oxygen in.

Remember the development of every cell in the human body is a challenge to our integrity. Lack of development will bring about frustration, confusion diseases premature aging and a miserable death. What do you want your life to be?

If you want to he health happy and live in harmony then start using Far Infra Red Ozone Technology today!

 Medically diagnosed with a named medical condition
 Constipation
 Work indoors
 Stress, anxiety, depression
 Taken psychotropic drugs
 Take aspirin or over-the-counter drugs
 Birth control pills
 Synthetic vitamins
 Taken antibiotics
 Taken medications
 X-Ray exposure
 Lack energy
 Can’t concentrate
 Weak immunity
 Drink alcohol
 Drink soda
 Overeat
 Fluid retention
 Use hair color or hair spray
If you answered yes to any of the above-YOU NEED TO SPEAK WITH US.
Call 718-882-3591 in the United States

or 868-669-6694 in Trinidad & Tobago
Or send us an e-mail:

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