Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dia Care Program - Detailed Aspects of the Program

By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

The program consists of diet, exercise and introduction to the naturopathic principles of medicine in the individual’s life. Participants will be expected to keep a detailed record of their blood sugar level and blood pressure. This must be recorded on the sheet provided. The need for a blood pressure unit and a lactometer is evident. If the participant does not have one, this need may be met by an additional cost.

The patient is expected to be on a special diet program for about six to nine months. After this time the patient would be encouraged to deviate from the specified diet in order to observe the response to “normal food.” It must not be forgotten however, that at any age proper diet is a necessity to healthy living. The essentials-diet, exercise and rest are important for the healthy functioning of any living organism.

The first three months will be a “diagnostic period.” This period will indicate any improvement of the patient’s condition. An independent laboratory will do a GTT test at the end of this period. The cost of this test is not included in the cost of the program. The patient will be advised to have one done and furnish the results to the administrative office. If the service’s of a doctor is required for this purpose and the patient does not have a family physician, then a doctor will be recommended and the patient will be required to bear the cost if any for the said services.

The patient is expected to be off all drugs within twelve to fourteen months. Some people will be off all their drugs even earlier. The rate of reduction of drugs will depend upon the patient’s total response towards the program (PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL). Remember the body, mind and spirit is to work in harmony if the individual is to function with optimum health.

The use of tobacco and alcohol is strongly discouraged while on the program. The patient will be required to invest some time in his/ her emotional and spiritual development. This does not mean that one is required to go to church or participate in religious activities. It entails the patient being involved in “group counseling and yoga-therapy.” This will be in the form of lectures during the clinical sessions and follow up activities using audio tapes. The tapes are to be listened to at least once a day (in an undisturbed environment). During the entire program different audiotapes may be used as may be required.

It is to be understood that this is a different approach to health problems. In this approach we are concerned with the whole being, not only the physiological aspect. If there is to be optimum health then there has to be optimum participation, awareness and unification of the energies of the body, mind and spirit.

Nothing is impossible if you believe and work towards it. It was only when Einstein pictured himself walking on a beam of light, that he realized the concept of the theory of relativity. We have to look beyond at all times and cannot accept the fact that there is no answer to a problem. Every problem has answers. The problem is that some of us who are here to give professional advice sometimes give their personal feeling instead of professional advice. What advice could a person who knows nothing about Naturopathic medicine give us? The only correct advice they can professionally give is to “consult a naturopathic doctor, since this is not my field.” Naturopathic medicine is a very well respected field in many first world countries. This is because many medical doctors have realized that there are certain aspects of medicine that need a Holistic approach.

Look back a little in time and you will realize that medical science and pharmaceutical products have killed billions of people over the past five hundred years. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR GIVING HERBS OR NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENTS TO SOMEONE AND THEY DIED AS A RESULT OF THOSE SUPPLIMENTS OR HERBS? I have not and I am certain that you have not either. Just think for a minute if you can heal yourself using a natural approach, what will happen to the artificially prepared medicines?? Please don’t answer this question aloud. JUST THINK IT DEEP WITHIN YOUR MIND.

For years I have been saying that each person has the capability to heal themselves from any disease only if their minds become open and let knowledge flow. WE ARE OUR BEST DOCTORS. No one knows you better than you. If you believe in something then keep doing it. I believe in naturopathy. I have seen it work on many others and myself. I respect medical science very much and have a great admiration for ‘real doctors and researchers.’ I am not referring to people who graduated from medical schools and indulge in cigarettes and alcohol and want to advise individuals on keeping their bodies healthy (when they themselves are a symbol of ill-health).

If you believe that this program has any hope for you to be able to rid yourself of your problems, then I urge you to join before it is too late!! I promise to do my best to help in whatever way possible.

Thank you,

Gourinarine Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga Therapist.

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