Wednesday, October 20, 2010

GSM Mini Article - 5th Edition - Multivitamins

Having the proper balance of vitamins and minerals is very important. Scientific research has proved that excesses of isolated vitamins or minerals can produce the same symptoms as deficiencies of vitamins. This could cause the depletion of other B Vitamins or minerals. For example, high doses of isolated B vitamins have been shown to case the depletion of other B vitamins.

Similarly, if zinc is taken in excess, symptoms of zinc deficiency result. Studies have shown that an intake of up to 100 milligrams of zinc daily enhances immune function, but an amount in excess of 100 milligrams daily may actually harm immune function.

For products which offer multivitamins and minerals check out the GSM Store and look for Optim-One and Liquid Minerals!

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