Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Amazing Technological BreakThrough - Part 2 - What is FAR Infrared?

Introducing the Worlds 1st inexpensive Ozone infused Portable Far Infrared Sauna.
By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE. Med. MH. PhD)

FAR infrared is basically a form of radiant heat, produced by a specific wave length of light that is invisible to the naked eye. It is perceived by the body as a healing heat. It heats objects directly without heating the air space between.

When healthful FAR infrared waves hit your body, they penetrate deep into the cells of your body, and you become the heat generator. Your metabolism shifts into a mode similar to exercise. You begin to sweat, burn fat, energy and toxins at a rapid rate.

The deeply penetrating FAR Infrared wave generates a beneficial warming affect that stimulates healing, draining the lymphatic system, eliminates heavy metals, accumulates harmful drug residue, environmental pollutants, allergies, dirty fluids and toxins that have accumulated over a lifetime, purifying the cells, glands, organs and tissues from deep within.
People often ask, “What is it about FAR Infrared technology that makes it so beneficial to a total body fat weight loss program? I have been using FAR Infrared in our clinic for over 12 years. GSM is among the first to introduce it as a safe, powerful and effective therapy in the Caribbean. What we learned is “toxins gravitate to fat cells, like water to a sponge. Fat cells serve as a natural protective mechanism. In short: Fat cells store toxins. The fatter a person is the more toxic they are. It is not unusual for toxins to be so deeply lodged into fat cells that some people could find it difficult to lose body fat no matter how hard they try to diet or count calories.
Detoxification is the key to permanent body fat weight loss. Exercise is important to build lean tissue, nutrition is vital to healthy cells, but until we detoxify at the cellular level, body fat hangs on. Why does it hang on? It hangs on because toxins need a place to go. Fat cells are the body’s garbage dump depots when your eliminative channels are not working efficiently. To lose body fat permanently you must begin first with detoxification.

When healthful FAR Infrared waves penetrate deep into fat tissue, they instigate the release of blocked toxins, burning and secreting them by way of our lymph system, and out through our sweat glands and skin. This hypothermic action pulls out heavy metals, locked in drug residue, environmental toxins and waste by-products generated by the aging process.

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