Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Common Cold - Part 2 - The Rest of the Body!

By Vishwaram Maharaj

In the previous article, "The Common Cold - Part 1 - The Nasal Passageway" We learned about what happens to the nose and sinuses when the body has become infected with what we call "the cold". Now we will go into deeper detail and see what happens to the body.

When our bodies become infected with the cold virus, not all parts of our system become infected. The cold, as defined in the previous article, is an upper respiratory infection. It is a contagious inflammation of the mucous membranes located in the head and throat. The symptoms of this sickness are, a runny nose, sneezing, dry cough, and a sore throat. A cold may sometimes be accompanied with headaches, muscle aches, and mild fever.

What is an inflammation?

When our bodies are invaded by microorganisms, our bodies respond with a defensive attack known as an inflammation. An inflammation response has the following symptoms:

  • Redness - Caused by increased circulation in the affected tissues.
  • Heat - Delivery of more blood and heat creates fever thus helping the body to function more effectively as well as slows the growth of the invading organism.
  • Swelling - Caused by fluid from blood vessels. The fluid leaks into the infected area delivering antibodies and causing swelling.
  • Pain

The invading organisms that have been isolated are then broken down and devoured by special cells called granulocytes. In a cold, the end result is discharged when blown from the nose or coughed up through the air passage.

The Cold:

Most colds are caused by viruses and usually clear up after a few days. More serious bacterial infections of the ears, sinuses, throat or lungs may follow a viral cold. We've learned how one becomes infected with the cold through the nasal passageway and the effects of the infection on the sinuses, now you will venture into the human body to see what else it infects.

The Throat and Tonsils:

As we breathe we take into our body many microorganisms that can cause infection if not taken care of by our immune system. Airborne particles, bacteria and viruses that get through the nasal passageway or the mouth may land on the pharynx (the back of your throat). Located in the back of the throat lies Waldeyer's throat ring (a circle of lymphatic tissue). This ring surrounds the pharynx and serves as a first line of defense. This lymphoid ring is made up of tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, pharyngeal tonsils, and lingual tonsils.

If there is an inflammation affecting the throat and tonsils it will cause swelling, redness along with pain swallowing. These symptoms describe what is commonly known as a sore throat. Along with these symptoms, bacteria may cause a more severe infection known as strep throat. If the palatine tonsils become infected this condition is known as tonsillitis. The result of tonsillitis will be uncomfortable enlarging of the palatine tonsils. Enlarging of the lymph nodes of the neck may also occur and become very uncomfortable for a person infected.

Treatment: Strep Throat/Sore Throat:

Fever can increase the bodies requirement of fluids which may cause discomfort because of the pain from strep throat. Therefore, it is advisable to drink more fluids. However, it may be too painful to drink more fluids with strep throat, so it is important to decrease your body's requirement of fluids through rest.

Fluids to Consume:

High-Quality fluids such as soup broth (which replaces both salt and water losses), as well as fluids containing sugar will help you to recover from this illness. Fluids containing sugar are absorbed more rapidly.

Note: The more fluids you consume the better, but caffeine can cause water loss, therefore it is recommended to avoid caffeine while infected.

Other Treatments:

  • Gargling with salt water - mixing table salt with warm water.
  • Extra Sleep - may promote faster recovery.
  • Herbal Teas - Studies have shown that herbal teas containing ingredients such as licorice can provide significant relief from a sore throat.

The Ear:

When one is infected with the cold virus, fluid may accumulate in the middle ear. The middle ear is normally air-filled, thus when fluids begin to build up inside the middle ear an inflammation will result known as otitis media. The result of this inflammation will be a restriction of movement of the tympanic membrane (eardrum). This will, of course, result in decreased hearing. Also, bacteria may travel from the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube to the middle ear, resulting in infection, pain, and most likely fever.

Treatment: Ear Infection:

  • Vitamin C Supplements/Natural Sources - Will boost your immune system and help to combat any infection in your body more rapidly.
  • Zinc intake - May help to reduce ear infection.
  • Avoid processed foods and hydrogenated oils.
  • For infants: Stress on breast feeding for healing the infections more rapidly.
  • Avoid being around smokers - Cigarette smoke can get into the body if inhaled and block the Eustachian tubes.
  • Avoid others who suffer from the cold.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Avoid touching the nose, mouth or eyes if you do not know where your hands have been.

The Trachea and Bronchi

After a cold, an acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree can develop. This infection is called Bronchitis. Bacterial invasion may occur when the blood flow has increased and swelling of the mucous membranes disrupt the protective membranes as well as the bronchial cilia. Coughing propels outwards the inflammatory products that have been accumulated in the form of mucus and phlegm which contain bacteria in them.

Treatment: Bronchitis:

Fresh air and outdoor exercises - A morning walk everyday can help the blood flow and increase oxygen intake.

Hot towels applied over the upper chest are helpful for both chronic and acute bronchitis. After applying three hot towels for two to three minutes each, a cold towel should be applied to finish the procedure.
A cold pack can be applied to the upper chest several times per day in acute conditions.

Bottom Line!

If you suspect you or someone you know to have the symptoms of a cold, precautions should be taken for the relief of such symptoms. Prevention is better than cure! If the symptoms become serious a fever may result. Call a local physician right away if symptoms worsen. Treatments provided in this article may cure the sickness but we recommend a visit to your local doctor for certainty. As you know, we cannot diagnose you from the internet, we can only guide you, in the end, the choice is yours to make.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Powerful Anti-inflammatory Supplement - Super Omega Pure

We must always search for a deeper understanding of what we are potentially placing into our body. One must always educate themselves about what they want before they actually purchase it.

What is Super Omega Pure?

Super Omega Pure is a highly concentrated, powerful formula derived from smaller fish for quality and purity. The extracted fish oil is put into soft gels and thus creates a most powerful formula. This supplement extracts Omega-3 fatty acids from fishes out of the pure waters off the coast of Norway. Not only are they from pure waters, but the extracts are from pure, highly potent fish. The extracted Omega-3 fatty acids are then processed using a very expensive, highly modern method known as molecular distillation to remove toxins and create a powerful formula.

What does Super Omega Pure do?

Super Omega Pure is rich in purified Omega-3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) , which is an important chemical for the brain and retina of the eyes. Inflammation in the body is a known age accelerator, and is a major contributing factor in most diseases in the human body, including cardiovascular disease, skin aging and arthritis. Super Omega Pure Fish Oil provides potent anti-inflammatory support, by targeting critical inflammatory intermediate compounds.

Super Omega Pure contains a DOUBLE amount of EPA (720 mg) and DHA (480 mg) per 2 softgel serving, which will not only keep us healthy, it will build a powerful resistance against diseases and sicknesses. With Super Omega Pure you will supply your body with nutrients and a level of health never experienced before.

Super Omega Pure is one supplement on the market, but lets face it, there are many supplements like it made from Omega-3 Fish Oil. So why Super Omega Pure?

Omega-3 Fish Oil:

Several studies and clinical trials have all had one conclusion - that the RIGHT Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement can lead one to live a longer, healthier, happier life. But, choosing the best Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement can be an overwhelming task. How can one know which supplement to choose when there are multitudes of different supplements on the market?

Steps for Choosing the Perfect Supplement:

1 - Where did your fish come from?

Although all the Omega-3 supplements on the market say their product is the best, those claims are most likely not true. You, as the consumer, must weed out the fakes and here is how:

How do we get fish oils?

Fish oils are extracted from live fish, which may pose a problem if the fish are from dirty rivers, ponds, or oceans. Here is where you, as the consumer, must know that the fish are from fresh, pure waters and definitely not from any polluted or industrial areas. Usually the label will say where the supplement was taken from. Always remember that your supplements must be free from contaminants.

Trusted Fresh Waters to Look for on your Label:

The most popular clean bodies of water in the world which can offer fresh, healthy, live fish for extracting are those off the coast of New Zealand, Alaska, Norway (GSM's supplement, Super Omega Pure extracts from fish from the Norwegian area), and Canada's Atlantic. A reputable manufacturer will let you know on the label where they catch their fish.

Do you want a cheap contaminated product or an expensive pure product? The choice is yours, but the quest to find a pure supplement does not end at where you find the fish, it continues on to more specifics.

2- What Kind of Fish Did They Extract From?

Catching fish and extracting the essentials from them in fresh, pure waters are very good for starters, but the process does not end there. The second step is equally important. While all fish have Omega-3 fatty acids in their body, different species of fish contain varying amounts. Now how can you, as the consumer, decide which fishes are good for extraction?

Good Sources of Omega-3 Oils:

Herring, hoki, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are good sources of Omega-3 oils. Hoki and tuna fish are also known to provide the purest and highest Omega-3 content with anti-inflammatory properties that are twice as potent as those of other fish species.

Finding the source of extraction pure and the species extracted from highly potent, we continue to filter through the fake products and the powerful formulas by finding out how they processed their supplement!

3 - How does the perfect company process their supplement?

Even though the fish species was correct and it came from the most freshest of waters the extracted Omega-3 content will have toxins. Over thirty toxins can be present in this extracted content and thus processing is key to a highly pure supplement. If the fish oil was not processed using Molecular Distillation, it is recommended never to use it. Only the most advanced process of molecular distillation can remove toxins that are present in the most purest of fish species.

The toxins that can be found in these extractions are heavy metals such as mercury, and chemicals like dioxin and PCB's (Polychlorinated Biphenyls, a class of organic compounds with 1 to 10 chlorine atoms attached to biphenyl, which is a molecule composed of two benzene rings. This is highly toxic). There can also be traces of lead and cadium, chemicals that are highly toxic to the human body. Therefore Molecular distillation is required for a safer, more pure supplement.

Molecular Distillation:

Molecular Distillation is a distillation process primarily used to concentrate Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in fish oil, and remove contaminants. Molecular Distillation involves:

  • Converting the raw oil into an ethyl ester.
  • Separating the ethyl ester fatty acids from contaminants in a vacuum system to ensure temperatures are well below the oil's normal boiling point.
  • Utilizing molecular weights to isolate the ethyl ester fatty acids, leaving unwanted contaminants behind.
  • Recovering these now distilled fatty acids into a final product with extremely low levels of contaminants.

Molecular Distillation is a very expensive method thus when a company incorporates this for their supplement, the product will increase in price. The end result will be a more expensive, highly pure and powerfully formulated supplement. With fish oil soft gel caps, the company must exceed purity standards to offer a healthy supplement, not just a toxin-filled disaster.

The Bottom Line!

A reliable, highly reputable supplement manufacturer will not only provide you with information about their product and where and what they extracted the ingredients from, they will go out of their way to educate you about other supplements and the dangers. Knowing all the steps for filtering out the fake from the real products, you will surely make the right decision in the end. And in the end, remember, the decision is yours to make. But remember, the decisions you make in the present, will ultimately shape your future, either for the good or the bad!

GSM Herbal Health Care can proudly say we offer highly pure, very powerful Omega-3 fish oil soft-gel capsules that are molecularly distilled and very safe from the waters off the coast of Norway. They contain double the amount of servings per day for optimal results and we stand by our superior product.

For more information please visit our GSM Store.

Sources: http://www.bioriginal.com/services/files/moleculardistilledoroilrefining.pdf

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is Lutein? - A look at the GSM Product

Lutein (from Latin: Luteus meaning "yellow") is a xanthophyll (yellow pigments from the carotenoid group). It is one of six hundred naturally occurring carotenoids (organic pigments naturally occurring in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some bacteria and at least one species of aphid). Lutein is employed by organisms, large and small, as an antioxidant and for blue light absoprtion.

Where is it found?

Lutein is found in kale, spinach, garden peas, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, Pistachio nuts, broccoli, Maize/corn, kiwifruit, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, collard greens, egg yolks, animal fats and most importantly the retina. Lutein predominates the retina, while another chemical compound known as zeaxanthin predominates at the macula lutea of the eye.

Lutein is concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina responsible for central vision. The reason for this natural concentration is that lutein helps keep the eyes safe from oxidative stress and the high-energy photons of blue light.


Lutein, like its sister compound zeaxanthin, has primarily been used as a natural colorant due to its orange-red color. It absorbs blue light and thus appears yellow at low concentrations and orange-red at high concentrations.

Studies & Effects:

Various studies have shown that a direct relationship exists between lutein intake and pigmentation in the eye.

Studies also show that an increase in macula pigmentation, caused by Lutein, decreases the risk for eye diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), a disease which occurs in adults when there is damage to the retina there is loss of central vision.

In 2007, in a six year study, John Paul SanGiovanni of the National Eye Institute, Maryland found that lutein and zeaxanthin protect against blindness, currenlty affecting 1.2 million Americans. There is also evidence which suggests that increasing lutein and zeaxanthin intake lowers the risk of cataract development.

Another study by Stringham and Hammond, published in the Jan-Feb issue of Journal of Food Science, discusses the improvement of vision and decrease in light sensitivity in subjects taking just 10mg of Lutein and 2mg of Zeaxanthin per day.

GSM Lutein Supplement:

Currently there are many products and companies which manufacture lutein. Some sell their product far cheaper than others and they have the same dosages, but what the buyer must beware from other companies are that some may manufacture their products with fillers, so you will not be getting 10mg of Lutein, but probably less lutein and more of something else.

At GSMHEALTH.COM we do not manufacture products with fillers and we offer the most potent and powerful blends of herbs in the world.

About GSM Inc,.'s Lutein supplement:

Our supplement was formulated with the richest of herbs and manufactured with precision and care. It is primarily used for older adults with decaying vision and may be used as a preventative supplement in younger adults. The only side effect of Lutein when taken daily, for people who have sufficient lutein already, is bronzed skin because of the color of the chemical compound.


Our supplement of Lutein contains, 40mg of Lutein in one capsule, as well as safflower oil, Gelatin, purified water, yellow beeswax, and Vitamin E mixed tocopherols. - 30 capsules/bottle.

All these ingredients combine together to help better your vision and revitalize your eyes. Help protect your eyes and don't let your vision degenerate. A person who cares for others must care for themselves first. Choose GSMHEALTH.COM's Lutein for better vision today!

Visit our GSM Store to purchase this amazing product.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Introduction to GSM Herbal Teas

At GSM Herbal Health Care we offer all sorts of products, from encouraging, knowledgeable books to painkilling, sweet smelling oils, we have the best of all worlds right here on this website. And best of all, it is all natural, fantastically formulated, all natural products packaged and served to you with the greatest of care. Yet one category in our plethora of products which seems to confuse people are our Herbal Teas. So instead of forcing our product upon you like others do, we will let you decide once you read this article and add to your knowledge of all natural/herbal products. To begin, we must know what a herbal tea is:

Defining a Herbal Tea:

"A herbal tea is a synergistic blend of herbs found in their raw, unrefined, and natural state. Nothing is added or taken away. Each formula combines a number of different individual herbs each traditionally known to be effective by themselves. Up to twenty to thirty powerful herbs are blended into one unique master formula. The good news is unlike drugs no serious long term harm can be done with their use."

-Abunda Life Laboratories

A Deeper Look at Herbal Teas:

This definition of a herbal tea is on point and explains very well what a herbal tea is. But we must delve into the definition a little deeper to fully gain knowledge of these products. First of all it states, "A herbal tea is a synergistic blend..". We must first look at the definition of Synergy which is the root word of "synergistic". Synergy can be defined as "two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently." Therefore if we reread the sentence, we will formulate the hypothesis that a herbal tea is, in fact, an assortment of herbs that produce an affect when together than when they are separate.

If, by our new definition, a herbal tea is created, it will be created in such a way that all the ingredients combined will create a certain effect. A herbal tea is just like a supplement, but with minor differences. One difference is that a herbal tea is much more natural than a supplement. While supplements can be all natural, vegetable capsules and preservatives can be found in some. In a herbal tea, there are only the herbs inside the product. Now what is a Herb? A herb is a plant which has a certain medicinal effect. The combination of these herbs can be powerful positive side effects. With the assortment of the right herbs a powerful formulation can be created. With this powerful formulation directed at a specific target, such as weight loss, hair growth, etc. we get powerful results.

Steps for Preparing our Herbal Teas:

The other difference that herbal teas have from supplements is their power. They are raw, unrefined and untampered with. In order to get the powerful effects we boil two gallons of water for five minutes in a stainless steel pot. We then take only two tablespoons of our herbal tea and place it into the pot. We let it boil for about five more minutes. This process lets the power of the herb seep into the water and empower the water with its magnificent effects. Thus the ending result will be a healthy, powerful, energy giving herbal tea.

*Even though the leaves have been boiled it is important that we do not strain the leaves, we should drink the leaves as well which will give us more of the powerful effects.

The Bottom Line:

As we revert back to our previous definition given to us by Abunda Life Laboratories, we see that not one, not two, but twenty to thirty herbs are blended into one master formula, thus creating a fantastic formula with powerful results. But in the end, it isn't the company that decides your choice of product, it is you. So what do you think? Visit our GSM Store and read up on all our products while we continuously give you knowledge on all our products and more!

What is Arginine Complex? - A look at the GSM Product

Supplies the body with amino acids and builds proteins for the human body. One of the best protein supplements. - 100 Tablets.


One of the active ingredients in this supplement is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is an amino acid that helps the body to get rid of ammonia, which is a waste product. It is also used to make compounds in the body such as creatine which helps the body gain muscle mass quickly. L-Arginine also makes L-glutamate and L-proline and can be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed. L-Arginine is used make nitric oxide, which is a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Studies have also shown that L-Arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed, such as erectile dysfunction, atherosclerosis, and other blood vessel related disorders. L-Arginine is also involved in protein formation. In larger amounts, L-Arginine stimulates the release of hormones, growth hormones and prolactin which may help with many bodily disorders. 

*L-Arginine should not be used after a heart attack because of its powerful effects on blood vessels.


Another active ingredient in our Arginine-Complex is, L-Ornithine. L-Ornithine allows for the disposal of excess nitrogen. Ornithine is not an amino acid coded for by DNA, and therefore, is not involved in protein synthesis. However, in mammalian non-hepatic tissues, the main use of the urea cycle is arginine biosynthesis, so, as an intermediate in metabolic processes, ornithine is quite important. L-Ornithine aids L-Arginine in its muscle building process.


The last active ingredient is L-Alanine. L-Alanine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning it can be manufactured by the human body, and does not need to be obtained through diet. Alanine is found in a wide variety of foods, but is particularly concentrated in meats, therefore vegetarians who want to build muscle can use our formula of Arginine Complex. Vegetarian sources of this, however, are beans, nuts, seeds, soy, whey, brewer's yeast, brown rice, bran, corn, legumes, and whole grains.

The Bottom Line:

This complete formula also includes, Gelatin, Magnesium, Stearate, and Stearic acid. Together these ingredients combined create a powerful formula for natural muscle building. Try it for yourself. 100% natural supplement from GSM Herbal Health Care.

Go to the GSM Store now!

Get the Facts on FLAX

By Dr Gouri Maharaj (BPE. Med. MH. PhD.)

(Doctor of Naturopathy)

Flax has been know to be used by humankind since 5,000 BC. It was known to be cultivalited in Babylon. During 3,000BC, most burial chambers here depicted flax cultivation and even clothing made from the fibers of flax. Of course in 650BC Hippocrates worte about the use of flax as a food that relieves inflammation of the mucous memberane. It was extensively used for relief of abdominal pains and diarrhea.

Theophrastus had suggested it the use of flax mucilage against coughs and cold. Ofcourse the Vedas pointed out that in order for the true yogi to reach the stage of joy and contentment, flax must be eaten daily. During the first century flax was highly praised by Tacitus as having great virtues. Some great rulers like, Charlemagne considered falx to be so important for healthy living that he passed laws and regulations for it daily consumption. During the 13th century, Hildegard Von Begen used flax meal in hot compress for treatment of external and internal aliments.

Flax is the best known source of Linoleic (LA, C18:2) and linolenic (LNA, C18:3),two essential acids. It contains 45 grams of oil per 100 gram of flax seed. It has 57% of omega-3 and 16% of omega-6. analytical data has revealed that flax has a high level of dietary fiber-both soluble and insoluble fiber (AJCN 34: 1077-1981).

Flax was found to have the following per 100grams:

protein-21g. total lipid-45g, total dietary fiber-24.5g, ash-4.5g, water-5.0g, vitamin A- 18.8IU, vitamin E- 0.6IU, B-1-0.6mg, B-2-0.3mg, B-3-4.4mg, B-6-0.8mg, B-12- 0.5mg.

The amino acid analysis revealed the following: g/100g protein:

Alanine-5.4, Arginine-11.8, Aspartic acid-12.5, Cystine-3.8, Glutamic acid-26.3, Glycine-7.0, Histidine-2.9, Isoleucine=5.2, Leucine-6.8, Lysine-4.1, Methionine-2.2, Phenylalanine-5.3, Proline-5.2, Serine-5.8, Threoline-4.9, Tryptophan-1.8, Tyrosine-2.9 and Valine-5.6.

Stephen Cunnane,PhD (university of Toronto), said: "There's nobody who won't benefit from addiing flaxseed to his diet." It has F-iber, L-ignans, A-lpha linolenic acid, and is an X-cellent (excellent) addative to any diet.

When you do decide to start using flaxseed get the facts and get it organic certified or you may be short changed in your already deprived meal plans. So better get the whole flax and let it be organic. If you can't find it contact GSM.

Happy flaxing!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

GSM Mini Article - 8th Edition - Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) is involved in more bodily functions than almost any other single nutrient. It affects both physical and mental health. It is beneficial if you suffer from water retention. Vitamin B6 plays a role in cancer immunity and aids in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. It inhibits the formation of a toxic chemical called homocysteine, which attacks the heart muscle and allows the deposition of cholesterol around the heart muscle.

Pyridoxine acts as a mild diuretic, reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and it may be useful in preventing oxalate kidney stones as well. It is helpful in the treatment of allergies, arthritis, and asthma.
A deficiency of vitamin B6 can result in anemia, convulsions, headaches, nausea, flaky skin, a sore tongue, and vomiting.

A product in the GSM Store related to this article is B-Complex because it contains Vitamin B6.

GSM Mini Article - 7th Edition - Biotin

Biotin aids in cell growth, fatty acid production, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and aids in the utilization of other B vitamins. Sufficient quantities are needed for healthy hair and skin. One hundred milligrams of biotin daily may prevent hair loss in some men. In addition, biotin also promotes healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue, and bone marrow. It can also help to releive muscle pain.

Products in the GSM Store related to this article are Optim-One and B-Complex because they contain Biotin.

The Common Cold - Part 1 - The Nasal Passageway

By Vishwaram Maharaj

Ever wonder what is this thing people call a cold? All you probably know is that it gives you a cough, runny, nose and doctor appointments, right? Well today only on GSMHEALTH.COM we are going to learn about a common sickness that everyone knows, but somehow no one knows? The common cold.

The common cold is an upper respiratory infection. It is highly contagious and therefore very common. It is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the head and throat. The symptoms of this sickness are a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and dry cough. A cold, in some cases, may be accompanied by headaches, muscle aches, and mild fever.

The causes of this sickness are mostly viruses. In a few days a cold can go away instantly, but there are some times that a cold is followed by infections of the, ears, sinuses, throat, or even lungs. So if a cold is caused by an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the head and throat, what exactly is an inflammation?


As we living beings breath in air, we take up tiny microorganisms in our body everyday we live. Some of these microorganisms can be viruses. When viruses enter our body the body will respond with a defense called an inflammation. The signs of an inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain. When the blood is pumping through your body and it reaches the infected area, this causes redness. If the body begins to circulate more blood and heat it can create fevers and can help the body defend against the viruses more effectively. It can also slow the growth of the invading organism.

As the blood continues to circulate, fluid from the blood vessels leak into an inflamed area. This results in swelling and the delivery of antibodies to the infected area. At this point, with the arrival of the antibodies, invaders are then broken down by cells called granulocytes. During a cold, if you blow your nose or discharge mucous, the result of the break down could be in that discharge.

Infections inside the nose:

So why does our nose get stuffy? Well, because, as we take in air through our nasal passages, foreign particles (viruses and bacteria), stick to the mucous membranes in the nose. As a result, the membranes discharge a clear runny liquid to wash away everything in the nose. Acute Rhinitis is the most common upper respiratory infection and is one of the first discomforts when experiencing a common cold. Symptoms of this are swelling, and an increased discharge from the mucous membranes in the nose. Or you can just say, “a runny nose.”

How do the sinuses get infected?

Inside the bones that surround the nose are multiple air-filled cavities called sinuses. On top of these sinuses are mucus membranes that line the entire nasal passage. As a result of how we breathe infections may easily spread throughout the nose and into the sinuses because of the mucous membrane lining. If bacteria invades the sinuses, something called sinusitis results. Signs of this are a painful infection and gray, yellow, or green discharge from the nose.

Do you Suffer From Hypothyroidism?

By Dr. Gouri S. Maharaj (BPE.MEd.MH.PhD)

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Muscle cramps
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty loosing weight
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems
  • Unable to tolerate cold temperatures
  • Hands and feet constantly cold
  • Constipation

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have a sluggish thyroid gland. On the other hand some people who suffer from this problem may not have any symptom at all. It is sad to say that this is one of the most misdiagnosed and ill-treated problem in the medical industry. Lack of proper function of our thyroid gland could lead to life-threatening coma or even heart failure. While in milder situations it may result in confusion and delirium.

Research has indicated that the average person need less than a teaspoon of iodine per year for proper thyroid function. Strange but true more than half of us do not get this. Without this iodine the thyroid gland cannot produce the hormones that are required for the metabolic processes which in turn provide the necessary energy for cellular function.

It sounds great when we go to the grocery and but iodized salt to use in our food. This makes us feel that we are certainly getting enough iodine. Yes we may be getting it however her come the other problem.

Iodine is a member of halogen family and this very family has some of its members in our water and toothpastes. What is happening then when we drink this water that contains chloride and fluoride compounds?

There are also certain common foods that may hinder the absorption or even cause the iodine that your body my get in various foods to be inactive. An excessive amount of certain foods (which may even be good for us) may render iodine inactive. Certain foods that have a phytoestrogenic quality behave like hormones and may alter the delicate balance of the thyroid hormones.

If you are experiencing any or all of the above symptoms you need to consult a doctor. A sluggish thyroid means a lot of things are out of control. You hypothalamus and pituitary glands will also malfunction. The pituitary gland tends to compensate for the low thyroid function thereby producing more thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This can ultimately be a real problem. You need to address this. If your TSH level is greater than 2.5 you have a serious problem. If your doctor does not do something about it you should get a second opinion.

Getting the right treatment is essential or else you may be on drugs for the rest of your life. There are many natural substances that may be able to assist your body to get back to normal function. You may have to change your diet or even your lifestyle. These to my mind are far better than living on drugs for the rest of your life. The choice is yours. Do enjoy the best of health with maximum wealth and prosperity with peace and love.

GSM Mini Article - 6th Edition - Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is important in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It improves circulation, is necessary for tissue repair, and is useful in treating pre menstrual syndrome and fibro cystic disease of the breast. It promotes normal blood clotting and healing, reduces scarring from some wounds, reduces blood pressure, aids in preventing cataracts, improves athletic performance, and relaxes leg cramps.

A 1998 study by the National Cancer Institute found that long-term uses of Vitamin E substantially reduced prostate cancer risk in smokers. Other studies suggest that this vitamin may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E prevents cell damage by inhibiting the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation of free radicals.

GSM Mini Article - 5th Edition - Multivitamins

Having the proper balance of vitamins and minerals is very important. Scientific research has proved that excesses of isolated vitamins or minerals can produce the same symptoms as deficiencies of vitamins. This could cause the depletion of other B Vitamins or minerals. For example, high doses of isolated B vitamins have been shown to case the depletion of other B vitamins.

Similarly, if zinc is taken in excess, symptoms of zinc deficiency result. Studies have shown that an intake of up to 100 milligrams of zinc daily enhances immune function, but an amount in excess of 100 milligrams daily may actually harm immune function.

For products which offer multivitamins and minerals check out the GSM Store and look for Optim-One and Liquid Minerals!

What is Whole Body Cleanse? - A look at the GSM Product

What are your answers to the following questions?

  • Ever get any pimples on your body?
  • Do you eat a lot of food made in oil?
  • Are you not sure of your health?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you probably have toxins traveling throughout your body. When there is toxins in our body it causes our body to react in certain ways and one way would be oily skin, pimples, and marks on our skin. With our Cleanse and Detoxify: Whole Body Cleanse all the toxins can just go away.

Not only will you lose the harmful toxins from your body, but you will also be able to lose a bit of weight. You will look healthier and feel more confident about yourself in no time. With the Whole body Cleanse the toxins will flush out of your system and you may be able to get perfect skin, maximize your health, and lose harmful waste. 

Cleanses and detoxify the entire body. Whole Body Cleanse is one of the greatest waste loss formulas ever created. It is naturally formulated and 100% safe. - 300 capsules.

Visit our GSM Store  to buy this powerful formula.

GSM Mini Article - 4th Edition - Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that has properties of botha vitamin and a hormone. It is required for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. It is necessary for growth, and is especially important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. It protects against muscle weakness and is involved in regulation of the heartbeat. It is also important in the prevention and treatment of breast and colon cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and hypocalcaemia. Vitamin D can also enhance immunity and is necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting.

A severe deficiency of Vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia, a similar disorder, in adults. Lesser degrees of deficiency may be characterized by loss of apetite, a burning sensation in the mouth or throat, diarrhea, insomnia, visual problems, and weight loss. In a study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, there are indications that Vitamin D deficiency is much more widespread than previously thought, especially in older adults. In a group of people of whom few had risk factors for vitamin D deficiency, 57% were found to have blown-normal levels of Vitamin D.

GSM Mini Article - 3rd Edition - Zinc

Zinc may help prevent acne and regulate the activity of oil glands. It is required for protein synthesis and collagen formation, and promotes a healthy immune system and the healing of wounds. Zinc also allows acuity of taste and smell. It protects the liver from chemical damage and is vital for bone formation. It also helps to fight and prevent the formation of free radicals in other ways. A deficiency of zinc may result in the loss of the senses and of taste and smell.

Visit our GSM Store for more information on products with zinc.

GSM Mini Article - 2nd Edition - CoEnzyme-Q-10

Research has revealed that supplemental coenzyme Q10 has that ability to counter histamine and therefore is beneficial for people with allergies, asthma, or respiratory disease. It is also beneficial in fighting obesity, candidiasis, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes. Coenzyme Q10 appears to be a giant step forward in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

A six year study conducted by scientists at the University of Texas found that people being treated for congestive heart failure who took Coenzyme Q10 in addition to conventional therapy had a 75% chance of survival after three years, compared with a 25% survival rate for those using conventional therapy alone.

In a similar study by the University of Texas and the center for Adult Disease in Japan, Coenzyme Q10 was shown to be able to lower high blood pressure without medication or dietary changes. A product in the GSM Store which has CoEnzyme-Q-10 is CoEnzyme-Q-10.

GSM Mini Article - 1st Edition - Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is required for at least 300 metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland function, and healthy gums. It also aids in the production of anti-stress hormones and interferon, an important immune-system protein, and is needed for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine, and phenylalanine.

* Studies have shown that taking vitamin C can reduce symptoms of asthma.

Visit our GSM Store which contains Barefoot Coral Calcium, one source of Vitamin C.

What is Cardio Vita? - A look at the GSM Product

Do you have heart problems?

If you do, then you are one of only millions of people around the world who have had heart related problems. If you are from the United States then the probability of you having heart related problems increases. Cardio Vita was created for this exact reason. It does what it's name says, it restores cardiovascular vitality. If you are suffering with heart problems of any kind, Cardio Vita may help to treat them.

This is the best natural food for the heart. It may help to improve the inner workings of the heart and may be used for prevention and removing heart murmurs.

Cardio-Vita can also increase the strength of the heart muscle, so don't waste time with those other medications that don't work. Heal your body the way it was supposed to be healed, naturally. If you suffer from heart problems then you shouldn't waste any time. - 180 capsules.

Visit our GSM Store to buy now!

What is Colon Cleanse? - A look at the GSM Product

Want to lose weight and clean out your colon as well?

This product does just that. Almost everyone has massive build up in their colons. Some could lose up to fifty pounds. Our Cleanse Detoxify: Colon Cleanse product helps to reduce the amount of waste in your colon, giving you a faster digestive system and improving your health. All the toxins from within your colon will be rid of and you could live knowing your body is much healthier.

Not only will you clean out your colon, you will lose a lot of weight with this product as well. This is the only formula that is able to balance the chemistry of the colon and cleanse it at the same time. And don't worry about too much trips to the bathroom. It may help you digest your food faster, but it won't take more time out of your day with going to the bathroom.

Usually there will be no problem with going to the bathroom. Everyday will be the same as when you didn't take it. So why keep toxins in your body when you know there is a way to lose weight and get healthier too? Don't hesitate, your body is worth the price. - 60 capsules.

Visit our GSM Store to order now!