A place to learn about human health and gain vast knowledge of many different health related topics such as hair loss, weight loss and diabetes.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
gsmhealth.com Updates Products
We are happy to announce that due to the high demand in our products we have added a more diverse array of supplements, teas, books, oils, and now juices. We have now added to our online herbal shop the following products and we hope you become familiar with them and satisfied with the results they give:
All Natural Pomegranate Juice:
We now carry all natural Pomegranate Juice in our online shop. Pomegranate has an irresistible appeal and legendary medicinal properties. Being rich in antioxidants and many other trace minerals and vitamins it is now labeled the wonderful super fruit of the 21st century. NOT FROM CONCENTRATE. NO ADDED SUGERS PRESERVATIVES OR COLORS. - 33.8 fl oz. - 1 liter.
At just $6.00 USD a bottle, you can't go wrong! Purchase Now!
Want more than one bottle? Save $22.00 USD when you buy a case of 12 bottles for only $50.00 USD. Buy a Case!
All Natural Blueberry Pomegranate Juice:
In addition to our Pomegranate Juice we have added a different flavor and a powerful combination of juices. We now offer Blueberry Pomegranate Juice! An added kick to an already knockout product has arrived! Our powerful, all natural pomegranate juice has been taken up a notch with this new added ingredient, blueberries. When added with blueberries, pomegranate works wonders for your body, maintains your all around health, and tastes delicious as well. - 33.8 fl oz. - 1liter.
At just $6.00 USD a bottle (same as the original Pomegranate Juice), you can't go wrong! Purchase Now!
Want more than one bottle? Save $22.00 USD when you buy a case of 12 bottles for only $50.00 USD. Buy a Case!
The Ozone (o3) Generator!
Lastly gsmhealth.com is proud to present: The Ozone (o3) generator! Purify your water, disinfect your fruits & vegetables, destroy remnants of pesticides from your fruits and vegetables and more with this powerful machine.
Pick up one online at our GSM herbal Shop!
Destroy Pesticides with the O3 Machine!
Purify your water, disinfect your fruits & vegetables, destroy remnants of pesticides from your fruits and vegetables and more with this powerful machine.
1 - Ever wonder if you wash out your fruits and vegetables if they are still dirty? You can rinse it, wash it or spin dry it, it will never get rid of the pesticides that are ingrained in it. What do you do now?
2 - Your water is filled with impurities and other chemicals that normal water filters cannot filter out. What do you do now? Your filter didn't filter out everything yet you think your water is pure.
3 - Some part of your body aches and pains but the pain never ceases. You go for a massage or medical help and it goes away for some time only to return again. What do you do now?
Introducing your solution to impurities: The Ozone (o3) machine.
Problem 1 solved! - Fill all your fruits and vegetables in a bowl with water (make sure they are submerged). Insert the tube and turn the machine on for 30 minutes and watch your fruits become pesticide free.
Problem 2 solved! - This machine cleanses your water to the point of perfection. All you need to do is insert the tube into your water for 5 minutes and it has become purified.
Problem 3 solved! - Having an ache or a pain in your body can be troublesome, therefore we recommend medical attention be your number one priority. Another possibility can be all natural. Some doctors are certified to give ozone injections along with vitamin injections as well all you have to do is ask. They fill up the ozone and inject it into the problem area relieving the pain.
Bottom Line!
This machine cleanses your fruits & vegetables. It purifies your waters and it can stop aches and pains with the help of a certified doctor, what more can you ask for? Plus it comes with a lifetime warranty! Don't hesitate on this marvelous and revolutionary product. Get yours today!
Package Contains:
- Instructions booklet
- Ozone (o3) machine
- Tubing
- Filter
- Power Chord.
Purchase this purifying machine today! at our GSM Herbal Shop!
1 - Ever wonder if you wash out your fruits and vegetables if they are still dirty? You can rinse it, wash it or spin dry it, it will never get rid of the pesticides that are ingrained in it. What do you do now?
2 - Your water is filled with impurities and other chemicals that normal water filters cannot filter out. What do you do now? Your filter didn't filter out everything yet you think your water is pure.
3 - Some part of your body aches and pains but the pain never ceases. You go for a massage or medical help and it goes away for some time only to return again. What do you do now?
Introducing your solution to impurities: The Ozone (o3) machine.
Problem 1 solved! - Fill all your fruits and vegetables in a bowl with water (make sure they are submerged). Insert the tube and turn the machine on for 30 minutes and watch your fruits become pesticide free.
Problem 2 solved! - This machine cleanses your water to the point of perfection. All you need to do is insert the tube into your water for 5 minutes and it has become purified.
Problem 3 solved! - Having an ache or a pain in your body can be troublesome, therefore we recommend medical attention be your number one priority. Another possibility can be all natural. Some doctors are certified to give ozone injections along with vitamin injections as well all you have to do is ask. They fill up the ozone and inject it into the problem area relieving the pain.
Bottom Line!
This machine cleanses your fruits & vegetables. It purifies your waters and it can stop aches and pains with the help of a certified doctor, what more can you ask for? Plus it comes with a lifetime warranty! Don't hesitate on this marvelous and revolutionary product. Get yours today!
Package Contains:
- Instructions booklet
- Ozone (o3) machine
- Tubing
- Filter
- Power Chord.
Purchase this purifying machine today! at our GSM Herbal Shop!
Monday, January 24, 2011
An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Ton of Cure!
By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.Med.MH.PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy
In recent times it has become difficult to turn on the television or radio without seeing or hearing about a new discovery and how it is able to make you more healthy and fit. Almost every newspaper and certainly the internet give us access to these interesting phenomena. They all go to the extreme to prove that the healthy foods that we are eating can prevent diseases and even slow down the aging process.
There is a dark side of this story. The amount of people who have become ill by diet-related illness and the rate at which obesity is rising is really alarming! Today the illness that were once labeled as age-related, like diabetes, Hypertension, certain types of heart diseases and even certain types of cancer, are now affecting the younger people. The notion therefore that these are diseases related to aging is now seen to be totally obsolete.
It does not mean that it is the end of life if you have a chronic disease. Remember, we are all destined to die. It is just a matter of time. However we can make choices of how we would like to live. Every health condition is a series of signals that our bodies are sending to tell us that something is not right and we should make all efforts to correct the things that need to be corrected. Our body in the true sense is giving us a wake-up call to initiate a healing process this is absolutely necessary for the survival of our billions of cells.
Regardless of our age or the disease that we may suffer from, it is possible for us to regain better health. However we must be ready to do it.
Here are some interesting facts that we should remember:
1) In less than 10 seconds more than 50,000 cells dies in our bodies. As you read this sentence another 50, 000 cells have died again.
2) Within 72 hours your stomach gets a new lining.
3) In one year the average heart beets 40,000,000 times.
4) The liver performs over 500 functions.
5) Every cell in the human body is replaced in 7 years.
6) The human body is constantly being renewed.
7) Food is: a) medicine, b) poison, c) cellular fuel, d) information, e) immune support, f) detoxifier, g) disease, h) hormonal balance, i) free radical defense, j) glowing and beautiful skin; all wrapped in a plate of delicious disease fighting package.
8) There are 22 key nutrients for healing your body.
9) Food additives and certain preservatives are very dangerous to the body.
10) Tasteless food is no good for human consumption.
The right thing may not be easy to do but rest assured it will taste great!
Think about how you can implement the following in your life:
1) Get the most ‘bang per bite’ in your food. Watch your food packaging carefully. Read the labels of the things that you would like to put in your stomach. Stay away from empty calories. They will kill you faster and make you die an expensive and bitter death.
2) Keep chemicals out. Artificial sweeteners, additives, artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. Stay away from genetically engineered foods and fast foods. You will give yourself a chance to live longer and stay healthier.
3) Don’t pass on the pesticides. There are many chemicals that imitate estrogen. And reduces the antioxidants in food. The presence of chemicals and pesticides mimics the hydrocarbons in the body and the cells tend to cling to them. The result is building up of stubborn fat. This is more dangerous than anything else to our health status.
4) Watch that fish. Make certain that you know the source of the fish that you are eating. Even the fish oil that you may take as supplemental in your diet. You want to know the source of fish. You could be doing more harm to yourself than goodness. The amount of mercury, lead and other contaminants that may be present in your fish or your omegas may be alarming to note. Try wild fish instead!
5) Poultry and red meat may be a “disease house.” If you do eat them know where you get them. Today with the vast extent of diseases affecting the meat and poultry industry, you want to be cautious. The amount of growth hormones that are used in the feeds that are being made to feed our commercially prepared meats, eggs and poultry, is so much that it is causing major health problems worldwide. Look for pastured poultry, meats and eggs.
6) Balance your cooking. Understand glycemic index. Use foods that have a low glycemic index. It will reduce the need for your body to produce high levels of insulin. Another name for insulin is “fat storage hormone.” Do you want to store fat on your body? Over 90% of the obese people in the world are producing too much insulin. Even some diabetics are producing too much insulin but a low quality. You can follow glycemic index and reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and every “westernized” disease.
7) Refine your taste not your food. Foods that have been stripped off their proper nutrition are no good for human consumption. Refined sugars, grains, and other foods contribute to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart diseases, and many other health problems. Use whole grain foods! Promote healthy living. What you do in your home is what your children will see and follow.
8) Avoid fake fats. Find out the foods that have healthy fats. Not all fats are healthy. Stay away from Trans fat. If you add one more molecule to margarine it will become plastic. No wonder so many people today get heart attacks. Fats are to be used in the right ratios.
If you believe in GOD then your body is the first gift that has been given to you by the supreme. Are you pleased that you have gotten this precious gift? What are you doing to keep it at its best? How would you feel if you give a precious gift to someone and they just cast it by the roadside and you saw them doing it, when you gave it with a heart full of love!
The fate of your health is in your plate. Are you ready to do something about it to change the status of your health?
If I tell you that diabetes, Alzheimer, heart attacks, breast cancer, colon cancer, strokes, prostate cancer, premature aging, cataracts and almost every disease is preventable, would you believe me? Well I got news for all you lovely people. You can do it one bite at a time. Do you think that this statement is too good to be true? Well it is not. While many chronic diseases look different superficially, they are usually physical variations of identical underlying causes.
This statement may even sound strange to some doctors, especially some allopathic practitioners. This is because western medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of the problem.
A person just does not wake up one day with diabetes or cancer or hypertension or any disease for that matter. A person did not get Alzheimer overnight!
Every chronic disease takes years even decades of internal destructive processes before it is being diagnosed by western medical science. Your body first gets dis-comfort or as we say not at ease. It then become further dis-eased and ultimately chronic diseased.
GSM does not promise to add years to your life but we do promise to add life to your years that is left.
Good luck!
Friday, January 21, 2011
GSM Health Report: Preventing Diabetes - A detailed analysis!
The underlying cause of most chronic disease is masked by many physical variations. They look different on the surface but are having the same basic set of causes.
Many people including allopathic doctors (western medical doctors) are not aware of this important fact. It is simple if you did not study something chances are you would not be able to practice it properly even if you try. The allopaths therefore treat the symptoms instead of the actual disease. The root of your problem is therefore in the true sense ignored.
People just don’t wake up one morning and get a heart attack or diabetes or cancer or any disease. It takes years of discomfort and bad nutrition and carelessness to get most of these diseases. While the truth may sound bitter it is indeed the bitter truth!
The problem is that many tests in allopathic medicine are able to show two things if you are diseased or if you are not. It does not attempt under normal conditions to show what is really happening to your body in terms of chemical reactions and performance.
If it did then many people would have gone to the allopathic doctor and know why they have been feeling really sick and tired. Instead many of us are sick and tired of being sick and tired. The truth is if all tests come back negative how could they diagnose you with a disease? However, you know best how you really feel. You know that your body is not functioning as it used to function before. What then is really happening to you?
There is a process called the “destructive internal process.” It is a process that our cells experiences when they are not fed properly or fed the wrong type of foods. There are five basic factors that are responsible for diseases in our body. I call them the big five. They are as follows:
There is a process called the “destructive internal process.” It is a process that our cells experiences when they are not fed properly or fed the wrong type of foods. There are five basic factors that are responsible for diseases in our body. I call them the big five. They are as follows:
1 - Inflammation:
This is called “the quiet killer. Inflammation is very important in helping our immune system cope with certain microbes and harmful invaders. It also plays an important part in repair of certain injuries.
Chronic inflammation however is different. This is a silent process that allopathic medicine is unable to detect. It hides from the various frequencies of their radar system. Inflammation may be said to be the chief cause of most degenerative disease.
Chronic inflammation however is different. This is a silent process that allopathic medicine is unable to detect. It hides from the various frequencies of their radar system. Inflammation may be said to be the chief cause of most degenerative disease.
Here are some tips for reducing chronic inflammation:
- Keep your blood sugar under control. High blood sugar levels are a disaster to your health if even you are not diabetic.
- Get to know the fat that heal and those that harm. There are bad fats and good fats. All fats that fall under the banner of Mono unsaturated Fatty Acids are very good and can help you to repair and heal your condition. It is the number one fighter of belly fat and can reduce your total body’s fat content drastically. We have been brainwashed to believe that fats are not good but it is what is replacing the fats in foods that is being served as ‘reduced fat and fat free,’ is 100 times more dangerous to our health. Get lots of MUFA in your diet you will love yourself more and others will compliment you beyond expectation.
- Carrying excess body fat especially around the mid-section. People who store excess fat in the mid-section have 53% more C-reactive protein than others. The size of your protruding abdomen tells what type of disease you are likely to have now and even in the future. Don’t let your "ego- sorry your bellies swell out!" This could lead to chronic diseases.
- Remember the bad fats make up more than 75% of most people meal on a daily basis. While fish oil, fish and omega is great for you. The ones you may be using could have contaminants beyond your imagination. Do you want to get and look old fast? Then eat the fats that harm the body. The opposite is true of the good fats.
- Feed your ecosystem the right type of food and fats and they will work great. You don’t need laxative. Not only bad food and bad fats cause chronic inflammation which leads to constipation but even many prescription and over the counter drugs. Some of them have over 65% assurance that you will develop intestinal problems which may never heal. Yes it could lead to colon cancer!
2 - Glycation:
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Sugar is a promoter of most diseases. Some of the more common ones are diabetes, cancers, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, metabolic syndrome and many more. In America it is called the “white devil.” Most people eat about 158 pounds each year. This so-called sweet thing sours your system by a process called Glycation. This process slowly but surely deteriorates your health status.
You can prevent this danger to your health by doing the following:
- Use low glycemic index food. Reduce the amount of sugar that you take in your body. While the body lives on sugar you must use the right ones so that life will be prolonged. While none of us will get out of life alive, we want to make certain that we enjoy the best of everything including health while we are in the race of life. High glycemic index foods damage your blood vessels in the most important areas in the body (eyes, mid-section and lower limbs). You pay a high price for these dangerous foods. High GI foods switch on your hunger hormones and make you eat more.
- As you use food with high levels of sugars your body will produce high levels of insulin to assist you in using up these sugars. Another name for insulin is “fat storing hormone.” Now your body will also produce high levels of a dangerous protein called C-peptide. This will triple your risk for colon cancer.
- Get the proper type of vitamins and trace minerals so that your body will utilize them at optimal levels. Some people take vitamins and trace minerals and only clog their system with stones (kidney stones/gallstones etc) and make our sewer system richer in minerals.
- Learn to cook properly. Do not over cook your food. Nutritious dishes can taste quite good if you know how to cook them ( you may want to get of copy of my new book (The Biogenic Secret of Food). Understand how to cook to reduce the aging process and get best of nutrition from what you have available.
3 - Oxidation:
Imagine you are being attacked 10,000 times a day by someone. The same person is doing this to you everyday of your life(at least 0000 times). It is not your spouse! It is free radicals attacking every cell in your body daily. This is a natural process in our body. Luckily our body is programmed to fight back.
Sometimes when there is a malfunction in the system it will not fight back. In order to get the energy from food to do all the things we would like to do our metabolic pathways breakdown the various foods. In the process metabolic waste or free radicals are formed.
Unfortunately with the ‘advancement in civilization,’ and the erection of so many buildings and different extracting and processing plants, our air, water and food reserves are becoming more polluted. To compound the problem, smokers, drug medications, alcohols and even eating the wrong foods contribute to more free radicals. The bottom line is that these free radicals cause a series of cellular damage.
It is not the cholesterol that causes you to get a heart attack or stroke; it is the damaged cholesterol that will cause you problems.
Free radicals will also do the following:
It is not the cholesterol that causes you to get a heart attack or stroke; it is the damaged cholesterol that will cause you problems.
Free radicals will also do the following:
- It attacks the DNA causing cellular mutation. This may even lead to certain types of cancers. You can easily get this problem by using the wrong cooking oil. Many people who eat out are not aware of what they are getting in the food that they are being served. Remember it is your right to ask any restaurant to tell you or even show you what type of oil they are using to cook your food and also how it is being cooked.
- If even you do not have diabetes free radicals can attack the eyes causing macular degeneration and cataracts.
- It can attack the nerve cell in the brain and contribute to getting Alzheimer’s disease.
- It is a great contributor to wrinkles.
- Use lots of anti-oxidant foods. Use foods or supplements containing carotenoids, vitamin C, E, selenium, chromium, zinc, lutein, magnesium and an array of phytonutrients.
- Avoid the ‘free radicals factories” foods. Some foods are your friend some are your enemies. Just as some people may disguise themselves as a friend but is not so too many foods are your enemy but appears to make you feel good only momentarily. Learn to recognize these culprits.
- There are many fats that contain heavy loads of free radicals. Get to know them and avoid them. Stay away from processed, reduced, and fat free foods- they will do a great job of killing you faster.
- Overcooking your food will reduce your lifespan. Understand what temperatures are best for the various foods that you cook. Cooking is and art and in art you must be creative. At the same time you must make certain that you get the best available nutrition. There are methods of cooking foods with anti oxidants that will boost your antioxidant intake by over 450%.
- Understand the process of proper detoxification.
- How many of you have cars? What do you do to maintain great performance in your car? How many times per year do you change the oil and tune up your cars? How many times did you tune up your body in the past two years? I do not mean just going to the doctor and doing a so called executive medical. Many people do these tests only because the have the money to do it. It lifts their ego and makes them feel that all is well. When in fact it may not be good at all.
- Just imagine a doctor will do a complete medical for a man over age 50 and will have no record of a PSA test done for him.
- It is so important to cleanse and detoxify your body that your life and health depends upon it. Let us try understanding a little more about detoxification process. Let us do some simple tests to find out how much free radicals are present in your body.
- Detox regularly and live happily with health and harmony or suffer with disease and live in and despair.
- The average person should detoxify at least twice a year. This means that you will need to be on a disciplined program for a period of 3-4 weeks every six months.
4 - Depletion:
Research has confirmed that the average vegetable or fruit is now having up to 40% less mineral than 50 years ago. Not only our treasury is getting bankrupt but our foods are already nutritionally bankrupted. The end result is that our digestive system is unable to absorb some key nutrients and to compound the problem we take drugs that will deplete these key nutrients.
This depletion will cause discomfort then turns into a disease which will later be called a chronic disease. There are nutrients that are missing from foods that we utilize daily and lack of them can cause from the common cold to AIDS.
Yes we need antioxidants but there is need to be careful about the source of them. Your supplier may be giving you some cheap stuff that will cause more harm to you than good. Know what you put in your stomach. It is important. The highest form of discipline is to control what you put in your external and internal environment- your stomach and in your home and community.
Yes we need antioxidants but there is need to be careful about the source of them. Your supplier may be giving you some cheap stuff that will cause more harm to you than good. Know what you put in your stomach. It is important. The highest form of discipline is to control what you put in your external and internal environment- your stomach and in your home and community.
“You can trace every sickness, disease or aliment in the human body to a trace element deficiency.” Dr. Linus Pauling - this man was awarded two Nobel prizes.
His statement was true then and even still remains true today.
The great thing about medical science is that they have discovered many diseases and to date have not been able to cure even the common cold much less for AIDS. There are many foods that contain key minerals to prevent and even cure diseases that may attack this wonderful human body. You have cancer fighting foods, immune supporting foods, food that will prevent and even cure hbp and diabetes or heart diseases. Recently on one of my radio programs I interviewed a man from New Mexico who lost his eyesight in his late sixties and is now driving at the age of 75. All he did was made use of certain foods which helped him to get back his vision.
The great thing about medical science is that they have discovered many diseases and to date have not been able to cure even the common cold much less for AIDS. There are many foods that contain key minerals to prevent and even cure diseases that may attack this wonderful human body. You have cancer fighting foods, immune supporting foods, food that will prevent and even cure hbp and diabetes or heart diseases. Recently on one of my radio programs I interviewed a man from New Mexico who lost his eyesight in his late sixties and is now driving at the age of 75. All he did was made use of certain foods which helped him to get back his vision.
A cardiologist in the US stopped practicing surgery because his colleague determined that he was too weak to undergo heart surgery and they could not do anything else for him. He visited a naturopathic doctor and was advised to use certain raw foods for two years and he will no longer have diabetes nor heart problems. This he did. But the irony of the whole thing is that he said to himself that if he got cured with just some raw foods then he will no longer use cooked food. Today he is one of the most powerful advocates of natural medicine and holistic practice in the US. He only practice natural medicine and teach people to eat raw foods.
We may not be ready for that type of lifestyle but as soon as we are, our lives will be better than what it is today. I am certain of that.
5 - Toxification:
The sad story is while we have a decrease in nutrients in our foods the levels of toxins in our environments (both internal and external) are raising. The body’s garbage bin is over flowing and causing other parts of our house to get contaminated. Yes our health pays a very high price. Strange, but true most toxins come in our body by way of our food and the chemicals we use. Anything that goes on our skin or touches our body on the outside will eventually find its way inside of us. Some people say if you cannot eat it then do not put it on your skin. If we apply this rule then many of our lovely ladies will loose their wonderful set of make ups.
Of course toxins damage the cells and adversely affect the endocrine system. Yes even the creams and other expensive stuff that we take pride in purchasing has so many toxins beyond our imagination. The range of toxic effects is wide and dangerous to us in the long haul. The thyroid gland is the most suffered gland from toxins. Toxins affects our hormones, damage our cells, causes us to store fat, damage the brain and even promote certain types of cancers. Become conscious of what you need to do to get better health. Do not just settle for being healthy; strive to the level of optimal health.
Try to understand the sources of your foods. It is important to know from where your foods come. You cannot just rely on the groceries. The grocers want profits at any cost. No matter what they may say or how great friends they appear to be with you their ultimate goal is to make a profit at the most economical cost to them.
Many people have spent their healthy life gaining wealth and now they have to spend the wealth in an effort to save their life. They cannot even trade their wealth for their health.
Try to understand the sources of your foods. It is important to know from where your foods come. You cannot just rely on the groceries. The grocers want profits at any cost. No matter what they may say or how great friends they appear to be with you their ultimate goal is to make a profit at the most economical cost to them.
Many people have spent their healthy life gaining wealth and now they have to spend the wealth in an effort to save their life. They cannot even trade their wealth for their health.
IF NOT THEN DO SOMETHING NOW! “Now is a cure tomorrow is a chronic disease.”
Dr Gouri Maharaj.
(BPE. Med. MH. PhD. Doctor of Naturopathy)
Dr Gouri Maharaj.
(BPE. Med. MH. PhD. Doctor of Naturopathy)
Monday, January 17, 2011
GSM Recipes: Pomegranate Banana Cheesecake with Chocolate!
Gather the following ingredients:
- 2 ripe bananas peeled and mashed.
- 24 oz. cream cheese bring to room temperature.
- ¾ cup brown sugar or agave.
- 5 large eggs or egg substitute.
- 1tsp vanilla.
- ¼ teaspoon salt.
- 8 oz. dark chocolate
- 3 tabs butter or butter substitute or original cow ghee (homemade).
- 3 tabs brown sugar.
- 6 oz. flax seed.
- 4 oz. buckwheat flour or gluten free flour.
1 - Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees F.
2 - Place chocolate, 3 tabs brown sugar, flax seed and buckwheat in a food processor.
3 - Pulse until mixture is constiant (it should be a bit coarse).
4 - Press this mixture into the bottom of a 9-10 inch spring form pan.
5 - Using a mixer, cream together the cream cheese, sugar and salt.
5 - Using a mixer, cream together the cream cheese, sugar and salt.
6 - Add eggs on at a time, making certain to mix properly.
7 - Add the bananas, pomegranate juice and vanilla.
8 - Mix on medium speed until the mixture is smooth.
9 - Pour this mixture into a prepared pan.
9 - Pour this mixture into a prepared pan.
10 - Sprinkle remaining pomegranate juice evenly over the top of the cheesecake batter.
11- Place the pan onto a cookie sheet and place in the oven.
11- Place the pan onto a cookie sheet and place in the oven.
12 - Bake for about one hour.
13 - Let cheesecake cool slowly at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
13 - Let cheesecake cool slowly at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
14 - Now place it in the refrigerator.
15 - Let the cheesecake cool completely before removing it from the pan. This is at least 6 hours or even overnight.
And when it's done, you will have a deliciously healthy snack! Enjoy.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
GSM Recipes: Pomegranate Eggplant Lentils!
- 1 1/2 lbs Eggplant
- Salt
- ½ Cup brown lentils
- Water
- 2/3 Cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 Large onion-chopped
- 6 Cloves garlic-minced
- 2 Large tomatoes-chopped
- 2 Long green cayenne peppers or 4-6 bird peppers
- 2 Tablespoons chopped mint leaves
- 2 Tablespoons northern edge organic flax seed
- ¼ Tablespoon crushed pepper
- 1/2 Cup 100% pure all natural NOT FROM CONCENTRATE Sophia brand pomegranate juice
- 1 1/2 lbs Eggplant
- Salt
- ½ Cup brown lentils
- Water
- 2/3 Cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 Large onion-chopped
- 6 Cloves garlic-minced
- 2 Large tomatoes-chopped
- 2 Long green cayenne peppers or 4-6 bird peppers
- 2 Tablespoons chopped mint leaves
- 2 Tablespoons northern edge organic flax seed
- ¼ Tablespoon crushed pepper
- 1/2 Cup 100% pure all natural NOT FROM CONCENTRATE Sophia brand pomegranate juice
1 - Partially peel the eggplant lengthwise. It will now have longitudinal stripes.
2 - Cut into 4 slices along the length of the eggplant.
3 - Score the slices on one side in a crosshatch pattern.
4 - Cut each slice into 23 pieces and place on a rimmed baking sheet or foil.
5 - Allow to stand for 1 hour after slating.
6 - Place lentils in a small saucepan with water-2 inches above the lentils.
6 - Place lentils in a small saucepan with water-2 inches above the lentils.
7 - Bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes.
8 - Drain the lentils.
9 - Coat a 3-4 quart container with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
9 - Coat a 3-4 quart container with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
10 - Toss the following: onions, pepper, garlic, tomatoes, green chili pepper, mint, northern edge organic milled flax seed, crushed red pepper and 2 tablespoons of sea salt.
11 - Now rinse the eggplant and pat dry.
11 - Now rinse the eggplant and pat dry.
12 - Spread ½ cup of the vegetable mixture in the 3-4 quart container that has been prepared.
13 - Now cover with half the amount of eggplant. Again cover with half of the lentils and remaining vegetable mixture.
14 - Now top again with the remaining eggplant, lentils and mixture of vegetables.
15 - Pour the remaining olive oil around the sides of the contents and drizzle with 100% pure not from concentrate Sophia brand pomegranate juice.
16 - Bring your stew to a boil.
16 - Bring your stew to a boil.
17 - Cover and cook the contents over low heat until the eggplant is very tender-about1 1/2hours.
18 - Now serve this delicious meal hot, warm or at room temperature. It serves six.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Maximum Flax - More Facts on Flax Seed
Not just flax but northern edge organic milled flax seed. It considered the one of the best in the world. From the days of Hippocrates to this present day, flax has been used by almost every health conscious people. It was used long ago as a remedy for gastrointestinal problems. Flax has been found to be the best plant based alpha linoleic acid which converts in the body to the same heart healthy protective omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon sardines and mackerel.
Northern edge flax organic milled flax seed are one of the best because this flax seeds is grown, cared for, harvested and milled under special conditions. It is packed is special bags and is able to be protected properly from the sunlight. It is one of the few if not the only type of flax seed that has been vacuumed packed and sealed to maintain the highest level of freshness and at the same time protect the integrity of the omegas in the seeds.
Get your bag of northern edge organic flax seed today.
Northern edge flax organic milled flax seed are one of the best because this flax seeds is grown, cared for, harvested and milled under special conditions. It is packed is special bags and is able to be protected properly from the sunlight. It is one of the few if not the only type of flax seed that has been vacuumed packed and sealed to maintain the highest level of freshness and at the same time protect the integrity of the omegas in the seeds.
Get your bag of northern edge organic flax seed today.
Its high content of alpha linolenic acids is one of the key factors that made Northern Edge milled flax seed become the modern miracle food. ALA is a type of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid. It is great for everyone especially vegetarians. Many studies on flax seed have shown that it is very good for lowering LDL-the bad cholesterol levels, triglycerides and blood pressure. It may even keep platelets from becoming sticky thus reducing the risk for a heart attack.
At the same time the level of antioxidants and fiber is very high in northern edge milled flax seed. So pick up that phone and call Bryden Pi. (TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) - 868-675-5000 x333/365/367 or GSM(TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) at 868-624-3608 or 868-474-8561 or in the United States at 718-882-3591 and get your supply today.
The potential effect of Northern edge organic milled flax seed in breast cancer prevention, according to Dr Lillian Thompson- professor, department of nutritional sciences, university of Toronto, is beyond expression of words. In 1997 Dr Thompson was part of a symposium “flax seed in human nutrition.” This took place at the 16 international congress of nutrition in Montreal (July 1997).
The data presented was astonishing and welcomed by all. Flax seed contain something called lignans and antioxidants that are far superior to most foods. Studies conducted at the University of Saskatchewan, have shown that flax seed can prevent development of hyper-cholester-olemic, arthero-scle-rosis, reduces total cholesterol and most importantly LDL and has a tendency to raise HDL.
In addition the antioxidant (SDG) found in in flax seed has the ability to lower blood pressure and has demonstrated great effectiveness in preventing both type 1 and type-2 diabetes mellitus.
Flax seed, if not properly packed will not have its true food value and may even cause a determination of the quality of omegas and other minerals in them. This is why you should ask your grocer for northern edge milled flax seed. It is one of the best and yes it is organic and has been rated as one of the best in the world. Researchers has pointed that flax seed is very promising in fighting cancers especially breast cancer. Just think if it may fight cancers, then how much more it can do to help you prevent cancers.
At the same time the level of antioxidants and fiber is very high in northern edge milled flax seed. So pick up that phone and call Bryden Pi. (TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) - 868-675-5000 x333/365/367 or GSM(TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) at 868-624-3608 or 868-474-8561 or in the United States at 718-882-3591 and get your supply today.
The potential effect of Northern edge organic milled flax seed in breast cancer prevention, according to Dr Lillian Thompson- professor, department of nutritional sciences, university of Toronto, is beyond expression of words. In 1997 Dr Thompson was part of a symposium “flax seed in human nutrition.” This took place at the 16 international congress of nutrition in Montreal (July 1997).
The data presented was astonishing and welcomed by all. Flax seed contain something called lignans and antioxidants that are far superior to most foods. Studies conducted at the University of Saskatchewan, have shown that flax seed can prevent development of hyper-cholester-olemic, arthero-scle-rosis, reduces total cholesterol and most importantly LDL and has a tendency to raise HDL.
In addition the antioxidant (SDG) found in in flax seed has the ability to lower blood pressure and has demonstrated great effectiveness in preventing both type 1 and type-2 diabetes mellitus.
Flax seed, if not properly packed will not have its true food value and may even cause a determination of the quality of omegas and other minerals in them. This is why you should ask your grocer for northern edge milled flax seed. It is one of the best and yes it is organic and has been rated as one of the best in the world. Researchers has pointed that flax seed is very promising in fighting cancers especially breast cancer. Just think if it may fight cancers, then how much more it can do to help you prevent cancers.
Pomegranate Juice - Quick Analysis
Pomegranate has an irresistible appeal and legendary medicinal properties have been the subject of myth, epics and works of art. It has more recently taken the interest of many scientific researches and has been shown to help the body in many ways. Being rich in antioxidants and many other trace minerals and vitamins it is now labeled the wonderful super fruit of the 21st century.
Why is Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice different from anything on the market?
Well that is because has NO CONCENTRATE, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS. NO PRESERVATIVES, NO ADDED SUGAR, NO ADDED WATER, NO COLORING, NO FLAVORINGS, NO GSMs /GEO, NO E-NUMBERS-food additives, preservatives and coloring that are coded. Many of these are responsible for allergies and hyperactivity especially in children.
100% pure Sophia brand pomegranate juice is full of antioxidants and bursting with flavors. Just 6-8 oz. daily can do a lot to promote better general health. While consuming more of it would definitely have great benefit for your heart, cardio vascular system, circulatory system and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. So get Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice not from concentrate and keep heart disease and prostate problems at bay.
The American Journal of clinical nutrition- vol71. #5, 1062-1076, May, 2000.
Article: pomegranate juice consumption reduce oxidative stress, atherogenic modifications to LDL, and platelet aggregation:
The report stated “pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic effects in healthy humans. Pomegranate juice consumption decreased LDL susceptibility to aggregation and retention and increased the activity of serum paraoxonase-(an HDL associated esterase that can protect against lipid peroxidation), by 20%
Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine, in Cleveland found that pomegranate juice blocks the enzymes that contribute to osteoarthritis.
“The protein molecules create an overproduction of inflammatory molecules including tightly regulated enzymes necessary for tissue remodeling. Studies show that pomegranate stall the overproduction of this tightly regulated enzymes in human cartilages.” Folks call for your bottle of Sophia brand 100% natural pomegranate juice today. Bryden Pi. (TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) - 868-675-5000 x 333/365/367 or GSM(TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) at 868-624-3608 or 868-474-8561 or GSM(USA) at 718-882-3591. Not from concentrate. No additives or preservatives. Just 100% natural juice.
GSM Recipes: Pistachio Sweet Fruit Quick Bread!
Ingredients Needed:
- ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil.
- ½ cup honey.
- ½ cup all natural Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice.
- 4 eggs or equiv. egg substitute.
- ½ cup organic buck wheat flour.
- 2 oz chopped dates.
-1 oz raisins.
- 4 tablespoons organic northern edge milled flax seed.
- 2 oz each of the following nuts chopped:
-Pine Nuts
-You may substitute any of the nuts that you may not have with what is locally available.
-1 table spoon baking powder.
-Mixed spices:
-Cinnamon or any of your favorite spices
1 - Beat up the eggs, then add honey and brown sugar or carrot juice or agave.
2 - Add the chopped dates along with all other ingredients and mix thoroughly. If the batter is not dry enough add some organic buck wheat flour.
3 - Add your Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice to the batter then add flour to make certain that it is dry enough. This should be added little at a time.
4 - When the mixture is properly mixed, transfer to a baking pan.
5 - Prepare your baking pan with oil and flour and pour the mixture into the pan. Your pan should not be more than ¾ full since the mixture will rise.
6 - Bake for 45-60 mins at 350 degrees F.
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