Monday, January 24, 2011

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Ton of Cure!

By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.Med.MH.PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy

In recent times it has become difficult to turn on the television or radio without seeing or hearing about a new discovery and how it is able to make you more healthy and fit. Almost every newspaper and certainly the internet give us access to these interesting phenomena. They all go to the extreme to prove that the healthy foods that we are eating can prevent diseases and even slow down the aging process. 

There is a dark side of this story. The amount of people who have become ill by diet-related illness and the rate at which obesity is rising is really alarming! Today the illness that were once labeled as age-related, like diabetes, Hypertension, certain types of heart diseases and even certain types of cancer, are now affecting the younger people. The notion therefore that these are diseases related to aging is now seen to be totally obsolete. 

It does not mean that it is the end of life if you have a chronic disease. Remember, we are all destined to die. It is just a matter of time. However we can make choices of how we would like to live. Every health condition is a series of signals that our bodies are sending to tell us that something is not right and we should make all efforts to correct the things that need to be corrected. Our body in the true sense is giving us a wake-up call to initiate a healing process this is absolutely necessary for the survival of our billions of cells. 

Regardless of our age or the disease that we may suffer from, it is possible for us to regain better health. However we must be ready to do it. 

Here are some interesting facts that we should remember:

1) In less than 10 seconds more than 50,000 cells dies in our bodies. As you read this sentence another 50, 000 cells have died again. 

2) Within 72 hours your stomach gets a new lining. 

3) In one year the average heart beets 40,000,000 times. 

4) The liver performs over 500 functions. 

5) Every cell in the human body is replaced in 7 years. 

6) The human body is constantly being renewed. 

7) Food is: a) medicine, b) poison, c) cellular fuel, d) information, e) immune support, f) detoxifier, g) disease, h) hormonal balance, i) free radical defense, j) glowing and beautiful skin; all wrapped in a plate of delicious disease fighting package. 

8) There are 22 key nutrients for healing your body. 

9) Food additives and certain preservatives are very dangerous to the body. 

10) Tasteless food is no good for human consumption. 

The right thing may not be easy to do but rest assured it will taste great! 

Think about how you can implement the following in your life: 

1) Get the most ‘bang per bite’ in your food. Watch your food packaging carefully. Read the labels of the things that you would like to put in your stomach. Stay away from empty calories. They will kill you faster and make you die an expensive and bitter death. 

2) Keep chemicals out. Artificial sweeteners, additives, artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. Stay away from genetically engineered foods and fast foods. You will give yourself a chance to live longer and stay healthier. 

3) Don’t pass on the pesticides. There are many chemicals that imitate estrogen. And reduces the antioxidants in food. The presence of chemicals and pesticides mimics the hydrocarbons in the body and the cells tend to cling to them. The result is building up of stubborn fat. This is more dangerous than anything else to our health status. 

4) Watch that fish. Make certain that you know the source of the fish that you are eating. Even the fish oil that you may take as supplemental in your diet. You want to know the source of fish. You could be doing more harm to yourself than goodness. The amount of mercury, lead and other contaminants that may be present in your fish or your omegas may be alarming to note. Try wild fish instead! 

5) Poultry and red meat may be a “disease house.” If you do eat them know where you get them. Today with the vast extent of diseases affecting the meat and poultry industry, you want to be cautious. The amount of growth hormones that are used in the feeds that are being made to feed our commercially prepared meats, eggs and poultry, is so much that it is causing major health problems worldwide. Look for pastured poultry, meats and eggs. 

6) Balance your cooking. Understand glycemic index. Use foods that have a low glycemic index. It will reduce the need for your body to produce high levels of insulin. Another name for insulin is “fat storage hormone.” Do you want to store fat on your body? Over 90% of the obese people in the world are producing too much insulin. Even some diabetics are producing too much insulin but a low quality. You can follow glycemic index and reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and every “westernized” disease. 

7) Refine your taste not your food. Foods that have been stripped off their proper nutrition are no good for human consumption. Refined sugars, grains, and other foods contribute to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart diseases, and many other health problems. Use whole grain foods! Promote healthy living. What you do in your home is what your children will see and follow. 

8) Avoid fake fats. Find out the foods that have healthy fats. Not all fats are healthy. Stay away from Trans fat. If you add one more molecule to margarine it will become plastic. No wonder so many people today get heart attacks. Fats are to be used in the right ratios. 

If you believe in GOD then your body is the first gift that has been given to you by the supreme. Are you pleased that you have gotten this precious gift? What are you doing to keep it at its best? How would you feel if you give a precious gift to someone and they just cast it by the roadside and you saw them doing it, when you gave it with a heart full of love! 

The fate of your health is in your plate. Are you ready to do something about it to change the status of your health? 

If I tell you that diabetes, Alzheimer, heart attacks, breast cancer, colon cancer, strokes, prostate cancer, premature aging, cataracts and almost every disease is preventable, would you believe me? Well I got news for all you lovely people. You can do it one bite at a time. Do you think that this statement is too good to be true? Well it is not. While many chronic diseases look different superficially, they are usually physical variations of identical underlying causes. 

This statement may even sound strange to some doctors, especially some allopathic practitioners. This is because western medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. 

A person just does not wake up one day with diabetes or cancer or hypertension or any disease for that matter. A person did not get Alzheimer overnight! 

Every chronic disease takes years even decades of internal destructive processes before it is being diagnosed by western medical science. Your body first gets dis-comfort or as we say not at ease. It then become further dis-eased and ultimately chronic diseased. 

GSM does not promise to add years to your life but we do promise to add life to your years that is left. 

Good luck!

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