Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Maximum Flax - More Facts on Flax Seed

Not just flax but northern edge organic milled flax seed. It considered the one of the best in the world. From the days of Hippocrates to this present day, flax has been used by almost every health conscious people. It was used long ago as a remedy for gastrointestinal problems. Flax has been found to be the best plant based alpha linoleic acid which converts in the body to the same heart healthy protective omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon sardines and mackerel.

Northern edge flax organic milled flax seed are one of the best because this flax seeds is grown, cared for, harvested and milled under special conditions. It is packed is special bags and is able to be protected properly from the sunlight. It is one of the few if not the only type of flax seed that has been vacuumed packed and sealed to maintain the highest level of freshness and at the same time protect the integrity of the omegas in the seeds.

Get your bag of northern edge organic flax seed today.

Its high content of alpha linolenic acids is one of the key factors that made Northern Edge milled flax seed become the modern miracle food. ALA is a type of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid. It is great for everyone especially vegetarians. Many studies on flax seed have shown that it is very good for lowering LDL-the bad cholesterol levels, triglycerides and blood pressure. It may even keep platelets from becoming sticky thus reducing the risk for a heart attack.

At the same time the level of antioxidants and fiber is very high in northern edge milled flax seed. So pick up that phone and call Bryden Pi. (
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) - 868-675-5000 x333/365/367 or GSM(TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) at 868-624-3608 or 868-474-8561 or in the United States at 718-882-3591 and get your supply today.

The potential effect of Northern edge organic milled flax seed in breast cancer prevention, according to Dr Lillian Thompson- professor, department of nutritional sciences, university of Toronto, is beyond expression of words. In 1997 Dr Thompson was part of a symposium “flax seed in human nutrition.” This took place at the 16 international congress of nutrition in Montreal (July 1997).

The data presented was astonishing and welcomed by all. Flax seed contain something called lignans and antioxidants that are far superior to most foods. Studies conducted at the University of Saskatchewan, have shown that flax seed can prevent development of hyper-cholester-olemic, arthero-scle-rosis, reduces total cholesterol and most importantly LDL and has a tendency to raise HDL.

In addition the antioxidant (SDG) found in in flax seed has the ability to lower blood pressure and has demonstrated great effectiveness in preventing both type 1 and type-2 diabetes mellitus. 

Flax seed, if not properly packed will not have its true food value and may even cause a determination of the quality of omegas and other minerals in them. This is why you should ask your grocer for northern edge milled flax seed. It is one of the best and yes it is organic and has been rated as one of the best in the world. Researchers has pointed that flax seed is very promising in fighting cancers especially breast cancer. Just think if it may fight cancers, then how much more it can do to help you prevent cancers.

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