Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pomegranate Juice - Quick Analysis

Pomegranate has an irresistible appeal and legendary medicinal properties have been the subject of myth, epics and works of art. It has more recently taken the interest of many scientific researches and has been shown to help the body in many ways. Being rich in antioxidants and many other trace minerals and vitamins it is now labeled the wonderful super fruit of the 21st century.

It is better than most statin drugs and is great for protecting your prostate while at the same time it promotes a healthy heart. Even a glass a day of 100% pure all natural Sophia brand pomegranate juice- not from concentrate is great for promoting better health.

Why is Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice different from anything on the market? 

Well that is because has NO CONCENTRATE, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS. NO PRESERVATIVES, NO ADDED SUGAR, NO ADDED WATER, NO COLORING, NO FLAVORINGS, NO GSMs /GEO, NO E-NUMBERS-food additives, preservatives and coloring that are coded. Many of these are responsible for allergies and hyperactivity especially in children.

100% pure Sophia brand pomegranate juice is full of antioxidants and bursting with flavors. Just 6-8 oz. daily can do a lot to promote better general health. While consuming more of it would definitely have great benefit for your heart, cardio vascular system, circulatory system and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. So get Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice not from concentrate and keep heart disease and prostate problems at bay.

The American Journal of clinical nutrition- vol71. #5, 1062-1076, May, 2000. 

Article: pomegranate juice consumption reduce oxidative stress, atherogenic modifications to LDL, and platelet aggregation:

The report stated “pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic effects in healthy humans. Pomegranate juice consumption decreased LDL susceptibility to aggregation and retention and increased the activity of serum paraoxonase-(an HDL associated esterase that can protect against lipid peroxidation), by 20%

Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine, in Cleveland found that pomegranate juice blocks the enzymes that contribute to osteoarthritis.
“The protein molecules create an overproduction of inflammatory molecules including tightly regulated enzymes necessary for tissue remodeling. Studies show that pomegranate stall the overproduction of this tightly regulated enzymes in human cartilages.” Folks call for your bottle of Sophia brand 100% natural pomegranate juice today. Bryden Pi. (TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) - 868-675-5000 x 333/365/367 or GSM(TRINIDAD & TOBAGO) at 868-624-3608 or 868-474-8561 or GSM(USA) at 718-882-3591. Not from concentrate. No additives or preservatives. Just 100% natural juice.

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