Thursday, November 18, 2010

Making Our Food Our Medicine

By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.MH.MEd.PhD)

There is evidence that the use of wheat causes damage to the intestine and other organs. Many people who use a lot of wheat may suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease and many other problems. No one has yet spoken a word about banning wheat! The result of these problems is difficulty in absorption of mainly iron, calcium, and Vitamin D. The end result is that such an individual would be prone to osteoporosis and anemia. The long-term effect is many types of cancers, autoimmune diseases, psychiatric conditions, liver disease, sperm abnormalities, vasculitis, arthritis, thyroid problems and a chain of many more problems. Just imagine what a diet with a high level wheat can do to us.

When I tell my diabetic patients to stay away from wheat and its products for some time it is because they have utilized too much in their lifetime to cause metabolic imbalances which resulted in many chronic situations. Making our food our medicine is the greatest thing  we can do for our body. The body is the first gift that has been given to us. We need to cherish this unique gift in order to live a complete life. The choices that we make and even those that we do not make as we walk the path of life, have effects upon us. Let us make those choices that will have positive effects upon our life, the life of others and society as a whole. In order to choose wisely we must have knowledge. Do not underestimate the power of knowledge and at the same time do not ignore the devastation of lack of it.

Natural medicine has played an important role in every culture and will continue of t to do so in spite of all the criticisms that have been given to it. It may be the only firm base of healthy practice and better health for the future.

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