Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ayurvedic Medicine

By Dr Gouri Maharaj (BPE Med. MH PhD)

Ayurvedic medicine teaches how to substantially impact on our quality of life through the choices and interpretations that we make. The reduction of toxins and free radicals from the body leads to an increase in the absorption of nutrition which transforms our minds, intellect and bodies.

The science of ayurveda is an inexhaustible reservoir of knowledge while it is the oldest system of health care known to civilization. Its scientific approach has created something so unique about it that when modern medicine fails to deliver, the timeless features ayurveda takes over and keeps the tradition of proper healing aloft.

The more one probes into ayurvedic treatments and practices, the more one becomes impressed by its logic, while being charmed by the power and completeness of its comprehensive understanding of life.

It teaches us that life is perceived as a microcosm or intimate reflection of the universe. Ayurvedic medicine is the only healthcare system with comprehensive principles and practices to purify the body, mind and spirit while at the same time, it restores balance with the laws of nature. It is the only method that has achieved complete remission of disease in the many patients who have been deemed beyond help by western medicine.

Ayurveda is the unique science of purification and rejuvenation that can make a person with relatively normal health produce a dramatically greater state of health, happiness and fulfillment. It aims to establish the ability to live every aspect of life to the fullest, in complete conscious connection to nature's infinite intelligence. This may be reflected in a state of enlightenment. Ayurvedic medicine stresses on education instead of medication.

For all your health needs call:

Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE Med. MH PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy
Board Certified Hypnotherapist
Yoga Therapist

Special health programs for cleansing and detoxifying, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, kidney and liver problems, psoriasis, infertility, male impotency, PMS, menopause, and all geriatric problems.

For advice or treatment call:

In the United States: 718-882-3591 (Bronx, NY)
In Trinidad & Tobago: 669-6694 (Caroni), 658-5361 (Marabella), Cell: 474-8561

or visit gsmhealth.com

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