Monday, November 22, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 1

Juicing is an efficient way of saving time and fulfilling our daily health requirements at the same time. Thus we stay healthy and have more time to do other things. But sometimes the juices we make may not be filled with the correct amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that we may need. So we have put together a dynamic list of powerful combinations of juices for public use. Other sites may charge you for this information, but our goal is not monetary. We want the entire world to be healthy and what better way than to share it on the World Wide Web.

Here are some of the best tasting and healthiest juices that can be made:

Apple Juice

An apple a day keeps the dentist/doctor away right? How about a juice filled with it? Well apples are truly a nutrition packed fruit. Contained within this delicious and popular fruit lies vitamins A, B1, B2 and C as well as valuable mineral salts.

What to combine this juice with?

Vegetable Juices are the best combination to make with Apple Juice.


Because of the bland taste of vegetable juice many people need to add something tasty in order to drink it. When combined, Apple Juice dramatically improves the taste of vegetable juices decreasing the sometimes bitter taste substantially.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Do not peel the apples. Peeling the apple will take away some of the best nutrients within it.
  • Wash the apple thoroughly in clean cold water and cut it into portions that can fit into your juicer.
  • Do not use waxed or polished apples. These kinds of apples can diminish the effectiveness of the cutter inside the juicer and therefore should not be used.

Beet Juice

Fresh Beet Juice is a beauty to behold. With a beautiful red finish this potent fruit creates an even spectacular looking end result. Within this abnormal vegetable lies the key to a proper and powerful diet. Beets contain a potent amount of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin C, and iron. Beet juice has also been found to lower blood pressure. This combination of nutrition is a perfect addition to one's diet and is one of the highly recommended juices by GSMHEALTH.COM.

What to combine this juice with?

A highly delicious and surprisingly tasty combination is beets combined with the juice of oranges. A very good blend will be 2/3 oranges and 1/3 beet to create a wonderfully healthy combination. Beet juice can also be combined with carrot and celery blends  to promote a healthy lifestyle.


Not only are oranges tasty they are rich in vitamin C, therefore combined with Beet juice can make for a delicious blend of healthy liquids. Beet juice can also be combined with carrot and celery blends to create a powerful healthy blend of vegetables that can help to prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Brushing the skin of the beet root lightly is recommended. This will allow the beet to retain its nutrients while still cleaning it.
  • Make sure to wash it in cold water and cut it into convenient proportions that can fit into the juicer.
  • Consult your doctor before using any excessive amounts of beet juice in its pure state.

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage has been known for its nutritional and medicinal values. It has also been discovered that cabbage can reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer such as, colon cancer and breast cancer. Cabbage also helps to promote weight loss in some people because it contains vitamin C, and B. It also keeps skin healthy and beautiful because of its vitamin A and E contents. Partaking of juiced cabbage is known to assist in curing stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cabbage also contains fiber and iron which make the digestive system function optimally.

What to combine this juice with?

A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice can be a very powerful juice.


Not only will this mixture help those with sensitive stomachs, it will also give energy and revitalize the body.

Important Preparation Tips:

Wash the leaves of the cabbage under cold water thoroughly before juicing so that most of the contaminants have been removed.

Carrot Juice

Carrots, like the previously mentioned fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. In addition, carrots contain a potent amount of iron and iodine. They are among the best fortifying agents around. 

What to combine this juice with?

An exquisite mixture of juices are 2/3 carrots and 1/3 celery. Another beautiful combination is mixing 1/2 apple juice with 1/2 carrot juice. 


By combining 2/3 carrot juice with 1/3 celery juice, a healthy and tasteful mixture is achieved. To improve the flavor of this juice adding a few drops of lemon juice will do the trick. 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 carrot juice can also be a tasty and nutritional treat.

Important preparation tips:

  • Select large firm carrots because they posses the most vitamins and minerals than the smaller, light-yellow carrots.
  • Carrots should also be vigorously brushed and washed thoroughly.
  • Do not peel carrots or cut across, instead snip off the ends and insert into the juicer.

Click here for Part 2!

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