Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Introducing the First Ever Pomegranate Detox Program

This program is to be executed after consulting with your holistic practitioner or doctor. For those who have had a complete evealuation done your holistic practitioner will be able to prepare a customized tea and meal plan for you to follow while your are prusuing this program.

The entire program can last up to thirty days. You will be on a special meal plan, exercise plan and if necessary, a medicine plan (natural or otherwise - according to the advice of your supervising doctor).

If you wish to have an evaluation done you must make prior arrangements for either an in-office consultation or a phone consultation.

You will need the following if you are doing a phone consultation:

  • In addition to any medical records and up to date tests that you may have, you will need to record your weight, height and age.
  • Your waist (hips also if female),wrist and arm size must be recorded.

All necessary information will be fed into a special software that has been designed to evaluate toxicity, BMI, lean body mass, etc. and the result along with suggestions will be conveyed to you for appropriate action.
The cost of this procedure is $195.00(USD).

If you decide to follow up on the suggestions, we can supply you with the pomegranate juice, special tea and trace minerals(and other herbal products if necessary). The products that are supplied to you will be required for you to complete your program. Our customer service staff is very efficient and dedicated and will guide you all the way to completion and beyond if necessary.

As you allow us to help you to determine and create a customized program, it will kindle a loving and pure feeling that invokes serenity and harmony of body, mind and spirit.

You will love yourself and others will love and admire you more than ever.

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