Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 3

All natural, freshly liquefied fruits and vegetables are very healthy to drink. When combined it packs all the vitamins and minerals of every fruit, vegetable and/or nut that is within the mixture. The combination, however, may be tricky. Mixing juices for optimal results can be tiresome, that’s why we’re here, to load your brain full of healthy, natural knowledge that you can use and pass down for a lifetime. As we continue part 2 of “The Healthiest Juices” below we start out where we left off!

Orange Juice 

This is a very delicious drink. From artificial flavoring to freshly squeezed oranges, everyone loves the taste of orange juice. It is by far the most popular juice around. Being rich in vitamin C, orange juice aids the immune system in fighting off sicknesses, diseases and invading microorganisms. Orange juice is recommended to all who wish to make their own fresh juices. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Orange juice can be mixed with any juice, but shouldn’t be mixed with other acidic juices such as grapefruit or lemon.


As orange juice is mixed with other fruits or vegetables it creates a robust taste and is very satisfying to partake of. It should not be mixed with other acidic beverages because too much acidity can create an imbalance in the stomach.

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • The skin of the orange should be peeled and the orange should be washed under cold water.
  • Insert the orange into the mouth of the juicer slowly. 
Parsley Juice

This juice is high in vitamin A and is rich in iron and mineral salts. 

What to combine this juice with? 

This juice can be mixed with any other juice. 


Because of its contents it is not too powerful to be a stand-alone juice. Therefore it should be combined with other juices to enhance the nutritional value and somewhat the taste. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash the parsley thoroughly in cold water and insert into the juicer. 
Pineapple Juice

Fresh pineapple juice is a magnificent treat. It is deliciously tasty and a delightfully aromatic. Pleasing to at least two senses, pineapple juice can be an appetizer or a full blown drink. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Combine this juice with any other juice for an exceptional flavor. Adding taste and nutrition into one powerful formula is a smart idea and pineapple can make that idea reality. 


Not only is pineapple a healthy fruit it is also tasty. It goes with any and every juice that can be made and should be one of the main ingredients in your everyday juices. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • All you need to do is wash the pineapple and cut it into how many portions you want. 
  • Do not cut out the skin. 
  • It is recommended that the skin be juiced as well creating an out of this world experience. 
Potato Juice

Potato juice is rich in vitamin C and magnesium, but that may be the only thing we can say about potato juice. Being high in carbohydrates potatoes are seen as a fatty food, but that’s a misconception. Potatoes are very healthy for you. Fried potatoes, as well as everything that are fried, loses its nutrients and thus becomes unhealthy, but baked potatoes are another story. 

What to combine this juice with? 

We recommend that this juice be mixed with several other juices. 


Unfortunately raw potato juice can taste very bland therefore it is advisable to mix with other juices to retain the nutrients and reduce the bad taste. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash thoroughly in cold water and leave the skin.
  • Cut into portions that can fit and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Rhubarb Juice

When juicing this vegetable add some of this juice to all the fruit juices you drink. It is very healthy and highly potent when it is in season. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Add to every juice you drink! 


Because it contains so many nutrients it is recommended that it be added to every fruit juice to intensify the flavor and deliver longer lasting, tastier juices. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • It is recommended that the rhubarb is cut into small sections and fed into the juicer to enhance the cutter’s effectiveness on the plant’s fiber. 
Spinach Juice

Raw Spinach has a very sharp taste so it is advisable that it be used it very small amounts. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Spinach juice should not be mixed with any fruit juices. It should, however, be blended with carrot and possibly celery juices. 


Because of its bitter taste and powerful nutrients spinach cannot be mixed with any juices. By mixing it with carrots and celery it will enhance the taste and create a much more dynamic beverage. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash the spinach thoroughly in cold water. 
  • When the spinach is finished washing, lift out of the water and shake dry.
  • Roll the leaves into a ball and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Sweet Peppers 

Green and red peppers are both rich in potassium, silicon and vitamin C. 

What to combine this juice with? 

This juice should not be taken alone. It should be mixed with other juices and can be mixed with any other juice. 


Sweet peppers are a very good source of potassium and when combined with other juices can add to the nutrients of that juice making it more beneficial for you. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • One should choose shiny sweet peppers which are rich in color.
  • Do not choose waxed peppers because it can interfere with the blades in the juicer.
  • Wash the peppers thoroughly and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Turnip and Turnip Greens Juice

The turnip root is rich in potassium and highly potent. Turnip greens also are very rich in vitamin C. 

What to combine this juice with? 

It is highly recommended to mix turnip juice and turnip greens juice with juices of vegetables high in magnesium such as, dandelion greens, parsley, and sweet peppers. 


Magnesium is found to help the body use calcium more effectively and thus makes for an exceptionally healthy drink. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash thoroughly and bunch the greens for juicing.
  • Insert the greens into the mouth of the juicer very slowly.
That concludes our three part article on juices everyone. We hope we provided you with all the information you need and thanks for visiting our site. We hope you become healthier, happier human beings and start spicing up your juicing!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 2

All natural, freshly liquefied fruits and vegetables are very healthy to drink. When combined it packs all the vitamins and minerals of every fruit, vegetable and/or nut that is within the mixture. The combination, however, may be tricky. Mixing juices for optimal results can be tiresome, that’s why we’re here, to load your brain full of healthy, natural knowledge that you can use and pass down for a lifetime. As we continue part 2 of “The Healthiest Juices” below we start out where we left off! 

Celery Juice

Known for its strong and bitter taste, this juice may be taken in smaller quantities and may be mixed with any other juice. Celery juice contains within it, huge amounts of vitamins A, B, and C. It also contains large amounts of minerals such as calcium and sodium. People who are on strict low sodium or low salt diets should not use celery juice because it contains high amounts of natural sodium. 

What to combine this juice with?

Celery juice can be combined with any juice. A few drops of lemon juice can improve the flavor of celery juice. 


Because of its bitter and strong taste, drinking it alone is not recommended. When combined with other juices it will deliver a powerful and rich taste that one is more than likely to love and will also pack massive amounts of vitamins and minerals when combined with other juices such as, carrot juice, cabbage juice, orange juice and grape juice! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • When looking for rich celery there are certain things one should search for. The greener the celery, the more vitamins and mineral salts it will have, thus producing more juice!
  • In order to guarantee greater results one should take the entire stalk, including the leaves as well, and thoroughly wash in cold water. This will remove any sprays or unwanted toxicities. 

Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers are seen eaten without the skin, when in fact the skin is probably one of the most important parts of a cucumber. When juicing, one should leave the skin and juice the entire cucumber. Cucumbers are rich in potassium, but cucumber juice has a notoriously dull taste if consumed alone. 

What to combine this juice with?

Cucumber juice should be combined with apple, grape, carrot or celery juice or a combination of them all. 


Because of the dull taste, people may not wish to drink cucumber juice alone, therefore adding other healthy juices to it will do the trick. A combination of carrot, grape, apple, celery and cucumber juice is a very tasty treat! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • For best results, use cucumbers that are not waxed. Waxed cucumbers can damage juicer blades and contaminate the juice making it unhealthy.
  • Use firm, dark green cucumbers for maximum benefit. 
  • Wash the cucumbers in cold water and remember to use the skin for a more nutrient rich juice! 

Dandelion Green Juice

Dandelion juice is rich in vitamins A and B1 (thiamine). It also contains high amounts of magnesium and important trace elements. 

What to combine this juice with?

Dandelion green juice should be mixed with other green juices such as, cucumber, celery, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, parsley, and leafy green juices. 


The combination above is known to get rid of stretch marks and beautify the skin because of the excess of vitamin A and E. Because of its bitter taste, dandelion green juice could be combined with other juices as well which will sweeten the mixture. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Wash the dandelion leaves in cold water thoroughly and insert it into the mouth of the juicer. 

Grape Juice

Artificial grape juices are always demanded. Wines and other forms of drinks are made with grapes. To get to the point, grapes are a very popular fruit. The taste they bring out is a kind of sweet and sour taste combined to bring a marvelous flavor to your taste buds. Now imagine freshly made grape juice! Grapes are known to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Its juice is also the most delicious and healthy of fruit juices. 

What to combine this juice with?

Combining this juice with any juice will make a rich and powerful combination. 


Grapes can be combined with any other juice to create a dynamically powerful drink. Because it is so potent and rich in vitamins and minerals it adds taste and nutrition to other juices. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Washing the grapes thoroughly should be the number one concern.
  • As we finish getting rid of the toxicities we should divide the bunch of grapes into smaller bunches in order to fit into the mouth of the juicer.
  • Insert the grapes along with its stem and seeds to get all the nutrients. 

Grapefruit Juice

This juice contains very high amounts of vitamin C. Grapefruit Juice is an extraordinary thirst quencher and supplies the immune system with heavy artillery to fight off sicknesses and disease. With the very high vitamin C content, this juice aids the body in defending against all types of microorganisms. 

What to combine this juice with?

A mixture of grapefruit juice with any vegetable juices will produce a potent drink. Combining celery with grapefruit juice will also make an excellent and healthy beverage. 


Grapefruit can sometimes be sour so mixing it with vegetable juices can nullify the sour taste and the true taste can manifest itself. Also, when combined with other juices, grapefruit juice can add a certain punch that no other juice can manufacture. Try it for yourself! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Peel the grapefruit and rinse it in cold water.
  • Create small portions of the grapefruit that can fit into the mouth of the juicer.
  • Feed the grapefruit very slowly so the residual pulp can be evenly extracted and juiced. 

Leafy Vegetable Juice 

Leafy vegetables such as watercress and lettuce are very healthy and good for the skin. They contain a good amount of magnesium and are known for their bitter or dull tastes and therefore are rarely juiced alone. 

What to combine this juice with?

Combine these types of juices with other green juices such as cucumber, cabbage, celery and/or spinach juice. Leafy vegetable juice can also be combined with any other juice adding a proper amount of vitamins to a health drink. 


Combining Leafy vegetable juice with other juices can produce a very strong health drink that can do wonders for aging, stretch marks, skin problems and more. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Selecting the best leafy vegetables takes a little knowhow. The selection process is easy!
  • Make sure they are firm and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly in cold water.
  • These types of vegetables have a tendency to pick up the water with them so make sure and shake them dry and press between both hands.
  • Roll the leaves and compact them into a ball and feed into the juicer.
  • If the leaves are fed loosely they can stick to the blades or the strainer so be careful. 
Lemon Juice

Lemons are very rich in vitamin C just like its family grapefruits and oranges. It is specially suited to bring out the flavors of other juices and especially salads. The most valuable nutrients are mostly located in the skin of the lemon and therefore we advise to juice the entire lemon with the peel. Lemon juice is also used to preserve fruits and vegetables and can keep the color of other juices bright. 
What to combine this juice with?

A combination of lemon juice can go with any other juice.


Lemon juice has a surprising way of enhancing every juice it is combined with and also tastes very good with sweeter juices such as carrot, grape, orange, and beet juice.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Wash the lemon thoroughly and place into the mouth of the juicer with the skin intact!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Introducing the First Ever Pomegranate Detox Program

This program is to be executed after consulting with your holistic practitioner or doctor. For those who have had a complete evealuation done your holistic practitioner will be able to prepare a customized tea and meal plan for you to follow while your are prusuing this program.

The entire program can last up to thirty days. You will be on a special meal plan, exercise plan and if necessary, a medicine plan (natural or otherwise - according to the advice of your supervising doctor).

If you wish to have an evaluation done you must make prior arrangements for either an in-office consultation or a phone consultation.

You will need the following if you are doing a phone consultation:

  • In addition to any medical records and up to date tests that you may have, you will need to record your weight, height and age.
  • Your waist (hips also if female),wrist and arm size must be recorded.

All necessary information will be fed into a special software that has been designed to evaluate toxicity, BMI, lean body mass, etc. and the result along with suggestions will be conveyed to you for appropriate action.
The cost of this procedure is $195.00(USD).

If you decide to follow up on the suggestions, we can supply you with the pomegranate juice, special tea and trace minerals(and other herbal products if necessary). The products that are supplied to you will be required for you to complete your program. Our customer service staff is very efficient and dedicated and will guide you all the way to completion and beyond if necessary.

As you allow us to help you to determine and create a customized program, it will kindle a loving and pure feeling that invokes serenity and harmony of body, mind and spirit.

You will love yourself and others will love and admire you more than ever.

The Secret Antioxidant - Better than Green tea!

By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE MH MEd PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy

The pomegranate fruit is found throughout Iran and spreads all the way to the Himalayas in Northern India. It was later cultivated and naturalized over the whole of the Mediterranean region and tropical parts of Africa. Pomegranate has a long storage life. The fruit is eaten in its raw state and may be used to make exotic dishes. It is considered as a symbol of health, fertility and rebirth.

Pomegranate juice (ALL NATURAL NOT FROM CONCENTRATE), apart from being used as a beverage, is made into jellies, and cold and hot sauce. It may also be used to flavor cakes and pastries. Pomegranate juice may be made into syrup and wine. The juice comes from squeezing the sweet part of the fruit. This juice has been found to have high levels of antioxidants. If you think green tea is good then pomegranate juice has been proven to be at least three times better than red wine and green tea (put together).

Official planting of pomegranate was implemented around 4000 B.C. It has been widely used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. All natural Pomegranate (NOT CONCENTRATE OR MIXED WITH OTHER FRUITS, ETC.) guards the body against the substances that cause premature aging, heart diseases, Alzheimer's, cancer, and many other diseases.

Research has pointed out that ALL NATURAL pomegranate juice may be the best thing to keep your skin clear and glowing. It may also play a key role in prostate problems and will clearly maintain healthy arteries and circulation. Of course it has fiber, potassium and vitamin C; along with many other trace minerals. Yes it is also used to make exotic drinks.

All natural pomegranate juice(NOT FROM CONCENTRATE OR ADDED TO OTHER JUICES) is safe and healthy. It is one of the greatest and most economical sources of antioxidants. Studies are being conducted to find out other benefits of this wonderful and healthy juice.

Most people find a big change in their weight within one week of going on a special pomegranate/special tea and proper meal plan. For more information on this you may check our website: GSMHEALTH.COM and look for "pomegranate detox/weight loss plan."

Take off all your clothes and look into the mirror. Do you like what you see? If not, then click on this link and make the first step to do something about it. GSMHEALTH.COM Let us help you to eat more and weigh less using all natural substances including pomegranate juice.

Happy juicing!

Fun Food Facts That Increase The Action Of Insulin

Use these foods liberally!

*Onions and garlic - Make an onion a day your motto.

*Chromium rich foods such as Brewer's yeast, whole wheat bread, wheat bran, rye bread and potatoes to name a few.

*Zinc rich foods such as ginger root, wheat germ, pecans, Brazil nuts, and split peas.

*Foods high in water soluble fiber, flax seed, pectin, guar gum, oat bran and mucilage.

*Whole grain and legume carbohydrates such as squash, sweat potatoes and carrots.

*Pumpkins, whole rice, yams, mung beans, string beans, cucumber, celery, peach, millet, spinach, blueberry, peas, tofu, cabbage, daikon radish and mulberries.

*Foods rich in iodine, silicon and phosphorus such as kelp, swiss chard, turnip greens, lecithin, sesame seed butter, seeds and nuts.


Option 1: Fresh fruit or fruit juice, "Fried" potatoes and Herbal Tea.

Option 2: Fresh fruit or fruit juice, Hot breakfast quinea and Herbal Tea.


Option 1: Garbanzo bean soup, Tomatoes with salsa, whole wheat bread or pita bread, Fresh Fruit and Soda water.

Option 2: Pita bread stuffed with beans and vegetables, Fresh fruit and soda water.


Option 1: Tossed green salad with oil free dressing, frozen fruit dessert and hot or cold herbal tea.

Option 2: Pasta primavera, cauliflower, fruit pudding and hot or cold herbal tea.

Visit our GSM Store for more information and to browse our vast selection of diabetic medicine and teas!

Ayurvedic Medicine

By Dr Gouri Maharaj (BPE Med. MH PhD)

Ayurvedic medicine teaches how to substantially impact on our quality of life through the choices and interpretations that we make. The reduction of toxins and free radicals from the body leads to an increase in the absorption of nutrition which transforms our minds, intellect and bodies.

The science of ayurveda is an inexhaustible reservoir of knowledge while it is the oldest system of health care known to civilization. Its scientific approach has created something so unique about it that when modern medicine fails to deliver, the timeless features ayurveda takes over and keeps the tradition of proper healing aloft.

The more one probes into ayurvedic treatments and practices, the more one becomes impressed by its logic, while being charmed by the power and completeness of its comprehensive understanding of life.

It teaches us that life is perceived as a microcosm or intimate reflection of the universe. Ayurvedic medicine is the only healthcare system with comprehensive principles and practices to purify the body, mind and spirit while at the same time, it restores balance with the laws of nature. It is the only method that has achieved complete remission of disease in the many patients who have been deemed beyond help by western medicine.

Ayurveda is the unique science of purification and rejuvenation that can make a person with relatively normal health produce a dramatically greater state of health, happiness and fulfillment. It aims to establish the ability to live every aspect of life to the fullest, in complete conscious connection to nature's infinite intelligence. This may be reflected in a state of enlightenment. Ayurvedic medicine stresses on education instead of medication.

For all your health needs call:

Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE Med. MH PhD)
Doctor of Naturopathy
Board Certified Hypnotherapist
Yoga Therapist

Special health programs for cleansing and detoxifying, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, kidney and liver problems, psoriasis, infertility, male impotency, PMS, menopause, and all geriatric problems.

For advice or treatment call:

In the United States: 718-882-3591 (Bronx, NY)
In Trinidad & Tobago: 669-6694 (Caroni), 658-5361 (Marabella), Cell: 474-8561

or visit

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 1

Juicing is an efficient way of saving time and fulfilling our daily health requirements at the same time. Thus we stay healthy and have more time to do other things. But sometimes the juices we make may not be filled with the correct amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that we may need. So we have put together a dynamic list of powerful combinations of juices for public use. Other sites may charge you for this information, but our goal is not monetary. We want the entire world to be healthy and what better way than to share it on the World Wide Web.

Here are some of the best tasting and healthiest juices that can be made:

Apple Juice

An apple a day keeps the dentist/doctor away right? How about a juice filled with it? Well apples are truly a nutrition packed fruit. Contained within this delicious and popular fruit lies vitamins A, B1, B2 and C as well as valuable mineral salts.

What to combine this juice with?

Vegetable Juices are the best combination to make with Apple Juice.


Because of the bland taste of vegetable juice many people need to add something tasty in order to drink it. When combined, Apple Juice dramatically improves the taste of vegetable juices decreasing the sometimes bitter taste substantially.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Do not peel the apples. Peeling the apple will take away some of the best nutrients within it.
  • Wash the apple thoroughly in clean cold water and cut it into portions that can fit into your juicer.
  • Do not use waxed or polished apples. These kinds of apples can diminish the effectiveness of the cutter inside the juicer and therefore should not be used.

Beet Juice

Fresh Beet Juice is a beauty to behold. With a beautiful red finish this potent fruit creates an even spectacular looking end result. Within this abnormal vegetable lies the key to a proper and powerful diet. Beets contain a potent amount of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin C, and iron. Beet juice has also been found to lower blood pressure. This combination of nutrition is a perfect addition to one's diet and is one of the highly recommended juices by GSMHEALTH.COM.

What to combine this juice with?

A highly delicious and surprisingly tasty combination is beets combined with the juice of oranges. A very good blend will be 2/3 oranges and 1/3 beet to create a wonderfully healthy combination. Beet juice can also be combined with carrot and celery blends  to promote a healthy lifestyle.


Not only are oranges tasty they are rich in vitamin C, therefore combined with Beet juice can make for a delicious blend of healthy liquids. Beet juice can also be combined with carrot and celery blends to create a powerful healthy blend of vegetables that can help to prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Brushing the skin of the beet root lightly is recommended. This will allow the beet to retain its nutrients while still cleaning it.
  • Make sure to wash it in cold water and cut it into convenient proportions that can fit into the juicer.
  • Consult your doctor before using any excessive amounts of beet juice in its pure state.

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage has been known for its nutritional and medicinal values. It has also been discovered that cabbage can reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer such as, colon cancer and breast cancer. Cabbage also helps to promote weight loss in some people because it contains vitamin C, and B. It also keeps skin healthy and beautiful because of its vitamin A and E contents. Partaking of juiced cabbage is known to assist in curing stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cabbage also contains fiber and iron which make the digestive system function optimally.

What to combine this juice with?

A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice can be a very powerful juice.


Not only will this mixture help those with sensitive stomachs, it will also give energy and revitalize the body.

Important Preparation Tips:

Wash the leaves of the cabbage under cold water thoroughly before juicing so that most of the contaminants have been removed.

Carrot Juice

Carrots, like the previously mentioned fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. In addition, carrots contain a potent amount of iron and iodine. They are among the best fortifying agents around. 

What to combine this juice with?

An exquisite mixture of juices are 2/3 carrots and 1/3 celery. Another beautiful combination is mixing 1/2 apple juice with 1/2 carrot juice. 


By combining 2/3 carrot juice with 1/3 celery juice, a healthy and tasteful mixture is achieved. To improve the flavor of this juice adding a few drops of lemon juice will do the trick. 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 carrot juice can also be a tasty and nutritional treat.

Important preparation tips:

  • Select large firm carrots because they posses the most vitamins and minerals than the smaller, light-yellow carrots.
  • Carrots should also be vigorously brushed and washed thoroughly.
  • Do not peel carrots or cut across, instead snip off the ends and insert into the juicer.

Click here for Part 2!

The Miracle Juicer - The Best Selling Juicer

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our daily diet yet most of us never include any of them in our diet. It is very understandable since there are so many fruits and vegetables that we need to partake of that we can't partake of them all at one time. Even if we eat certain fruits and vegetables we will still need to partake of grains and other protein rich foods for a complete nutritional diet. Therefore how do we balance all this in one daily diet?

The best and healthiest way to get all the nutrients in fruits and vegetables at one time is to juice. Buying a juicing machine is no simple task. One must search for a machine that will have the highest percentage of retained nutrients to get the full benefit of juicing. We at GSMHEALTH.COM recommend the Miracle Juicer, for sale at our GSM STORE.

The Miracle Juicer model MJ1000 is a practical home appliance for extracting juice from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Its juicing parts are made of stainless steel and plastic with absolutely no toxic properties.Operating the appliance is simple and it requires no special maintenance except for keeping it clean.

Boasting convenience and strength, the Miracle vegetable and fruit juicer is the natural appliance for today's efficient kitchens. It's fast, powerful, compact, and automatic. Experience the efficiency of its juice production system a finely crafted one-piece stainless steel cutter strainer powered by a 600 watt motor. Fresh, rich juice flows instantly from the spout while dry pulp is ejected into the external hopper which just lifts off to empty. The Miracle Juicer makes quick work of carrots, honeydew, pears, watermelon, beets, apple, pineapple, berries, grapes stems, seeds, rind, and all. And when you have juiced to your heart's content, the Miracle Juicer is a snap to clean. All its juicing parts simply unclamp and lift apart. They're top-rack dishwasher safe, too.

While the Miracle Juicer is efficient and strong, it is most affordable and a great gift item.

* One Piece Stainless steel cutter/strainer basket

* Automatic outside pulp ejection for continuous juicing

* Enclosed, easily removable external pulp receptacle

* Extra large feeding funnel

* Easy-to clean, rustproof and acid-proof

* 3-year Warranty

* 600 watt motor, 115 volt AC, for optimal juice yield

* ETL approved

* Weighs 9 lbs.

Technical Data:

Power Supply.............................................................. 110/120 V AC 60 Hz
Power Input................................................................. 600 Watts
Rated Speeds............................................................... 11,000 rpm
Insulation Class............................................................. II (No grounding required)
Radio Interference Level............................................... N
Mode of Operation....................................................... 4 minutes
Weight.......................................................................... 6.4 Lbs. (2.9 Kg)

Construction Base: A complete unit consists of:

1. Motor Base
2. Pulp Container
3. Bottom Juice Bowl
4. Top Juice Ring
5. Cutter/strainer
6. Cover
7. Feeding cone
8. Pusher
9. Brush

Visit our GSM Store to buy this excellent product!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Making Our Food Our Medicine

By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.MH.MEd.PhD)

There is evidence that the use of wheat causes damage to the intestine and other organs. Many people who use a lot of wheat may suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease and many other problems. No one has yet spoken a word about banning wheat! The result of these problems is difficulty in absorption of mainly iron, calcium, and Vitamin D. The end result is that such an individual would be prone to osteoporosis and anemia. The long-term effect is many types of cancers, autoimmune diseases, psychiatric conditions, liver disease, sperm abnormalities, vasculitis, arthritis, thyroid problems and a chain of many more problems. Just imagine what a diet with a high level wheat can do to us.

When I tell my diabetic patients to stay away from wheat and its products for some time it is because they have utilized too much in their lifetime to cause metabolic imbalances which resulted in many chronic situations. Making our food our medicine is the greatest thing  we can do for our body. The body is the first gift that has been given to us. We need to cherish this unique gift in order to live a complete life. The choices that we make and even those that we do not make as we walk the path of life, have effects upon us. Let us make those choices that will have positive effects upon our life, the life of others and society as a whole. In order to choose wisely we must have knowledge. Do not underestimate the power of knowledge and at the same time do not ignore the devastation of lack of it.

Natural medicine has played an important role in every culture and will continue of t to do so in spite of all the criticisms that have been given to it. It may be the only firm base of healthy practice and better health for the future.

Visit our GSM Store for more information on products that can help you better your health and your life.

An 'All Natural' Story

By Dr. Gouri Maharaj (BPE.MH.MEd.PhD)

Your busy doctor did not even read it but said to you, "I have a new drug would you like to try it out? Use it for two weeks and let me know how you feel. It's free." You take it and start using it. This drug may or may not be the best for you but hey it is free so take it. What could you lose?(only your health!) You are already sick.

The naturalist on the other hand has used his herbal preparation himself and on others and has learnt about it not from a manufacturer but from professionals and research from the past. This is a big difference and this is the main reason why many doctors argue against natural medicine. They feel they know so little about the drug that they prescribe (only what is told to them by their superiors and the drug companies) while these naturalists have studied the origin of plants, their properties along with the synergistic and galvanizing effects of herbal combinations (not as a product but as a herb, not from a company but from teachers and researchers). It could mean a great difference to their integrity. If this is not so then they will have no true reason to speak ill about something of which their knowledge is limited (even more limited than that of a layman).

The true doctor will do everything to cause no harm to their patient. Certainly that will mean not prescribing a drug with so many side effects (except of course if there is no other way out). If there are alternatives then I strongly suggest that these be explored provided the time and expertise is available. In other words any life threatening situations may require immediate attention and in this case a drug may be the only answer for many reasons. In other situations it may be of great benefit for the patient to seek alternative approaches to the process of healing.

Alternative medicine has been practiced since ancient times to cure the seek and heal the dying. It has been used to reverse illnesses medical sciences could not cure. It has prevented fatal illnesses and has defied all the so called 'experts' who say its nothing but 'dried up plants' in a capsule. Natural medicine is more than a science. It is a total 180 degree turn from conventional medicine. The only problem that this may pose to you is, making a choice. Choosing drugs with numerous side effects or herbs with healing side effects? The choice is yours, but as stated above, if chosen too late then drugs will definitely be your choice willing or non willing.

To view our vast selection of herbal products as well as books by Dr. Maharaj visit our new GSM Store.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Common Cold - Part 2 - The Rest of the Body!

By Vishwaram Maharaj

In the previous article, "The Common Cold - Part 1 - The Nasal Passageway" We learned about what happens to the nose and sinuses when the body has become infected with what we call "the cold". Now we will go into deeper detail and see what happens to the body.

When our bodies become infected with the cold virus, not all parts of our system become infected. The cold, as defined in the previous article, is an upper respiratory infection. It is a contagious inflammation of the mucous membranes located in the head and throat. The symptoms of this sickness are, a runny nose, sneezing, dry cough, and a sore throat. A cold may sometimes be accompanied with headaches, muscle aches, and mild fever.

What is an inflammation?

When our bodies are invaded by microorganisms, our bodies respond with a defensive attack known as an inflammation. An inflammation response has the following symptoms:

  • Redness - Caused by increased circulation in the affected tissues.
  • Heat - Delivery of more blood and heat creates fever thus helping the body to function more effectively as well as slows the growth of the invading organism.
  • Swelling - Caused by fluid from blood vessels. The fluid leaks into the infected area delivering antibodies and causing swelling.
  • Pain

The invading organisms that have been isolated are then broken down and devoured by special cells called granulocytes. In a cold, the end result is discharged when blown from the nose or coughed up through the air passage.

The Cold:

Most colds are caused by viruses and usually clear up after a few days. More serious bacterial infections of the ears, sinuses, throat or lungs may follow a viral cold. We've learned how one becomes infected with the cold through the nasal passageway and the effects of the infection on the sinuses, now you will venture into the human body to see what else it infects.

The Throat and Tonsils:

As we breathe we take into our body many microorganisms that can cause infection if not taken care of by our immune system. Airborne particles, bacteria and viruses that get through the nasal passageway or the mouth may land on the pharynx (the back of your throat). Located in the back of the throat lies Waldeyer's throat ring (a circle of lymphatic tissue). This ring surrounds the pharynx and serves as a first line of defense. This lymphoid ring is made up of tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, pharyngeal tonsils, and lingual tonsils.

If there is an inflammation affecting the throat and tonsils it will cause swelling, redness along with pain swallowing. These symptoms describe what is commonly known as a sore throat. Along with these symptoms, bacteria may cause a more severe infection known as strep throat. If the palatine tonsils become infected this condition is known as tonsillitis. The result of tonsillitis will be uncomfortable enlarging of the palatine tonsils. Enlarging of the lymph nodes of the neck may also occur and become very uncomfortable for a person infected.

Treatment: Strep Throat/Sore Throat:

Fever can increase the bodies requirement of fluids which may cause discomfort because of the pain from strep throat. Therefore, it is advisable to drink more fluids. However, it may be too painful to drink more fluids with strep throat, so it is important to decrease your body's requirement of fluids through rest.

Fluids to Consume:

High-Quality fluids such as soup broth (which replaces both salt and water losses), as well as fluids containing sugar will help you to recover from this illness. Fluids containing sugar are absorbed more rapidly.

Note: The more fluids you consume the better, but caffeine can cause water loss, therefore it is recommended to avoid caffeine while infected.

Other Treatments:

  • Gargling with salt water - mixing table salt with warm water.
  • Extra Sleep - may promote faster recovery.
  • Herbal Teas - Studies have shown that herbal teas containing ingredients such as licorice can provide significant relief from a sore throat.

The Ear:

When one is infected with the cold virus, fluid may accumulate in the middle ear. The middle ear is normally air-filled, thus when fluids begin to build up inside the middle ear an inflammation will result known as otitis media. The result of this inflammation will be a restriction of movement of the tympanic membrane (eardrum). This will, of course, result in decreased hearing. Also, bacteria may travel from the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube to the middle ear, resulting in infection, pain, and most likely fever.

Treatment: Ear Infection:

  • Vitamin C Supplements/Natural Sources - Will boost your immune system and help to combat any infection in your body more rapidly.
  • Zinc intake - May help to reduce ear infection.
  • Avoid processed foods and hydrogenated oils.
  • For infants: Stress on breast feeding for healing the infections more rapidly.
  • Avoid being around smokers - Cigarette smoke can get into the body if inhaled and block the Eustachian tubes.
  • Avoid others who suffer from the cold.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Avoid touching the nose, mouth or eyes if you do not know where your hands have been.

The Trachea and Bronchi

After a cold, an acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree can develop. This infection is called Bronchitis. Bacterial invasion may occur when the blood flow has increased and swelling of the mucous membranes disrupt the protective membranes as well as the bronchial cilia. Coughing propels outwards the inflammatory products that have been accumulated in the form of mucus and phlegm which contain bacteria in them.

Treatment: Bronchitis:

Fresh air and outdoor exercises - A morning walk everyday can help the blood flow and increase oxygen intake.

Hot towels applied over the upper chest are helpful for both chronic and acute bronchitis. After applying three hot towels for two to three minutes each, a cold towel should be applied to finish the procedure.
A cold pack can be applied to the upper chest several times per day in acute conditions.

Bottom Line!

If you suspect you or someone you know to have the symptoms of a cold, precautions should be taken for the relief of such symptoms. Prevention is better than cure! If the symptoms become serious a fever may result. Call a local physician right away if symptoms worsen. Treatments provided in this article may cure the sickness but we recommend a visit to your local doctor for certainty. As you know, we cannot diagnose you from the internet, we can only guide you, in the end, the choice is yours to make.