Wednesday, January 12, 2011

GSM Recipes: Pistachio Sweet Fruit Quick Bread!

Ingredients Needed:

- ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil.
- ½ cup honey.
- ½ cup all natural Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice.
- 4 eggs or equiv. egg substitute. 
- ½ cup organic buck wheat flour. 
- 2 oz chopped dates.
-1 oz raisins.
- 4 tablespoons organic northern edge milled flax seed.

- 2 oz each of the following nuts chopped: 
        -Pine Nuts
        -You may substitute any of the nuts that you may not have with what is locally available. 
-1 table spoon baking powder.
-Mixed spices:
        -Cinnamon or any of your favorite spices


1 - Beat up the eggs, then add honey and brown sugar or carrot juice or agave. 
2 - Add the chopped dates along with all other ingredients and mix thoroughly. If the batter is not dry enough add some organic buck wheat flour. 
3 - Add your Sophia brand 100% pure pomegranate juice to the batter then add flour to make certain that it is dry enough. This should be added little at a time. 
4 - When the mixture is properly mixed, transfer to a baking pan.

5 - Prepare your baking pan with oil and flour and pour the mixture into the pan. Your pan should not be more than ¾ full since the mixture will rise.
6 - Bake for 45-60 mins at 350 degrees F.


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