Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 3

All natural, freshly liquefied fruits and vegetables are very healthy to drink. When combined it packs all the vitamins and minerals of every fruit, vegetable and/or nut that is within the mixture. The combination, however, may be tricky. Mixing juices for optimal results can be tiresome, that’s why we’re here, to load your brain full of healthy, natural knowledge that you can use and pass down for a lifetime. As we continue part 2 of “The Healthiest Juices” below we start out where we left off!

Orange Juice 

This is a very delicious drink. From artificial flavoring to freshly squeezed oranges, everyone loves the taste of orange juice. It is by far the most popular juice around. Being rich in vitamin C, orange juice aids the immune system in fighting off sicknesses, diseases and invading microorganisms. Orange juice is recommended to all who wish to make their own fresh juices. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Orange juice can be mixed with any juice, but shouldn’t be mixed with other acidic juices such as grapefruit or lemon.


As orange juice is mixed with other fruits or vegetables it creates a robust taste and is very satisfying to partake of. It should not be mixed with other acidic beverages because too much acidity can create an imbalance in the stomach.

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • The skin of the orange should be peeled and the orange should be washed under cold water.
  • Insert the orange into the mouth of the juicer slowly. 
Parsley Juice

This juice is high in vitamin A and is rich in iron and mineral salts. 

What to combine this juice with? 

This juice can be mixed with any other juice. 


Because of its contents it is not too powerful to be a stand-alone juice. Therefore it should be combined with other juices to enhance the nutritional value and somewhat the taste. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash the parsley thoroughly in cold water and insert into the juicer. 
Pineapple Juice

Fresh pineapple juice is a magnificent treat. It is deliciously tasty and a delightfully aromatic. Pleasing to at least two senses, pineapple juice can be an appetizer or a full blown drink. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Combine this juice with any other juice for an exceptional flavor. Adding taste and nutrition into one powerful formula is a smart idea and pineapple can make that idea reality. 


Not only is pineapple a healthy fruit it is also tasty. It goes with any and every juice that can be made and should be one of the main ingredients in your everyday juices. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • All you need to do is wash the pineapple and cut it into how many portions you want. 
  • Do not cut out the skin. 
  • It is recommended that the skin be juiced as well creating an out of this world experience. 
Potato Juice

Potato juice is rich in vitamin C and magnesium, but that may be the only thing we can say about potato juice. Being high in carbohydrates potatoes are seen as a fatty food, but that’s a misconception. Potatoes are very healthy for you. Fried potatoes, as well as everything that are fried, loses its nutrients and thus becomes unhealthy, but baked potatoes are another story. 

What to combine this juice with? 

We recommend that this juice be mixed with several other juices. 


Unfortunately raw potato juice can taste very bland therefore it is advisable to mix with other juices to retain the nutrients and reduce the bad taste. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash thoroughly in cold water and leave the skin.
  • Cut into portions that can fit and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Rhubarb Juice

When juicing this vegetable add some of this juice to all the fruit juices you drink. It is very healthy and highly potent when it is in season. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Add to every juice you drink! 


Because it contains so many nutrients it is recommended that it be added to every fruit juice to intensify the flavor and deliver longer lasting, tastier juices. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • It is recommended that the rhubarb is cut into small sections and fed into the juicer to enhance the cutter’s effectiveness on the plant’s fiber. 
Spinach Juice

Raw Spinach has a very sharp taste so it is advisable that it be used it very small amounts. 

What to combine this juice with? 

Spinach juice should not be mixed with any fruit juices. It should, however, be blended with carrot and possibly celery juices. 


Because of its bitter taste and powerful nutrients spinach cannot be mixed with any juices. By mixing it with carrots and celery it will enhance the taste and create a much more dynamic beverage. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash the spinach thoroughly in cold water. 
  • When the spinach is finished washing, lift out of the water and shake dry.
  • Roll the leaves into a ball and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Sweet Peppers 

Green and red peppers are both rich in potassium, silicon and vitamin C. 

What to combine this juice with? 

This juice should not be taken alone. It should be mixed with other juices and can be mixed with any other juice. 


Sweet peppers are a very good source of potassium and when combined with other juices can add to the nutrients of that juice making it more beneficial for you. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • One should choose shiny sweet peppers which are rich in color.
  • Do not choose waxed peppers because it can interfere with the blades in the juicer.
  • Wash the peppers thoroughly and insert into the mouth of the juicer. 
Turnip and Turnip Greens Juice

The turnip root is rich in potassium and highly potent. Turnip greens also are very rich in vitamin C. 

What to combine this juice with? 

It is highly recommended to mix turnip juice and turnip greens juice with juices of vegetables high in magnesium such as, dandelion greens, parsley, and sweet peppers. 


Magnesium is found to help the body use calcium more effectively and thus makes for an exceptionally healthy drink. 

Important Preparation Tips: 
  • Wash thoroughly and bunch the greens for juicing.
  • Insert the greens into the mouth of the juicer very slowly.
That concludes our three part article on juices everyone. We hope we provided you with all the information you need and thanks for visiting our site. We hope you become healthier, happier human beings and start spicing up your juicing!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Healthiest Juices - Part 2

All natural, freshly liquefied fruits and vegetables are very healthy to drink. When combined it packs all the vitamins and minerals of every fruit, vegetable and/or nut that is within the mixture. The combination, however, may be tricky. Mixing juices for optimal results can be tiresome, that’s why we’re here, to load your brain full of healthy, natural knowledge that you can use and pass down for a lifetime. As we continue part 2 of “The Healthiest Juices” below we start out where we left off! 

Celery Juice

Known for its strong and bitter taste, this juice may be taken in smaller quantities and may be mixed with any other juice. Celery juice contains within it, huge amounts of vitamins A, B, and C. It also contains large amounts of minerals such as calcium and sodium. People who are on strict low sodium or low salt diets should not use celery juice because it contains high amounts of natural sodium. 

What to combine this juice with?

Celery juice can be combined with any juice. A few drops of lemon juice can improve the flavor of celery juice. 


Because of its bitter and strong taste, drinking it alone is not recommended. When combined with other juices it will deliver a powerful and rich taste that one is more than likely to love and will also pack massive amounts of vitamins and minerals when combined with other juices such as, carrot juice, cabbage juice, orange juice and grape juice! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • When looking for rich celery there are certain things one should search for. The greener the celery, the more vitamins and mineral salts it will have, thus producing more juice!
  • In order to guarantee greater results one should take the entire stalk, including the leaves as well, and thoroughly wash in cold water. This will remove any sprays or unwanted toxicities. 

Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers are seen eaten without the skin, when in fact the skin is probably one of the most important parts of a cucumber. When juicing, one should leave the skin and juice the entire cucumber. Cucumbers are rich in potassium, but cucumber juice has a notoriously dull taste if consumed alone. 

What to combine this juice with?

Cucumber juice should be combined with apple, grape, carrot or celery juice or a combination of them all. 


Because of the dull taste, people may not wish to drink cucumber juice alone, therefore adding other healthy juices to it will do the trick. A combination of carrot, grape, apple, celery and cucumber juice is a very tasty treat! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • For best results, use cucumbers that are not waxed. Waxed cucumbers can damage juicer blades and contaminate the juice making it unhealthy.
  • Use firm, dark green cucumbers for maximum benefit. 
  • Wash the cucumbers in cold water and remember to use the skin for a more nutrient rich juice! 

Dandelion Green Juice

Dandelion juice is rich in vitamins A and B1 (thiamine). It also contains high amounts of magnesium and important trace elements. 

What to combine this juice with?

Dandelion green juice should be mixed with other green juices such as, cucumber, celery, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, parsley, and leafy green juices. 


The combination above is known to get rid of stretch marks and beautify the skin because of the excess of vitamin A and E. Because of its bitter taste, dandelion green juice could be combined with other juices as well which will sweeten the mixture. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Wash the dandelion leaves in cold water thoroughly and insert it into the mouth of the juicer. 

Grape Juice

Artificial grape juices are always demanded. Wines and other forms of drinks are made with grapes. To get to the point, grapes are a very popular fruit. The taste they bring out is a kind of sweet and sour taste combined to bring a marvelous flavor to your taste buds. Now imagine freshly made grape juice! Grapes are known to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Its juice is also the most delicious and healthy of fruit juices. 

What to combine this juice with?

Combining this juice with any juice will make a rich and powerful combination. 


Grapes can be combined with any other juice to create a dynamically powerful drink. Because it is so potent and rich in vitamins and minerals it adds taste and nutrition to other juices. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Washing the grapes thoroughly should be the number one concern.
  • As we finish getting rid of the toxicities we should divide the bunch of grapes into smaller bunches in order to fit into the mouth of the juicer.
  • Insert the grapes along with its stem and seeds to get all the nutrients. 

Grapefruit Juice

This juice contains very high amounts of vitamin C. Grapefruit Juice is an extraordinary thirst quencher and supplies the immune system with heavy artillery to fight off sicknesses and disease. With the very high vitamin C content, this juice aids the body in defending against all types of microorganisms. 

What to combine this juice with?

A mixture of grapefruit juice with any vegetable juices will produce a potent drink. Combining celery with grapefruit juice will also make an excellent and healthy beverage. 


Grapefruit can sometimes be sour so mixing it with vegetable juices can nullify the sour taste and the true taste can manifest itself. Also, when combined with other juices, grapefruit juice can add a certain punch that no other juice can manufacture. Try it for yourself! 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Peel the grapefruit and rinse it in cold water.
  • Create small portions of the grapefruit that can fit into the mouth of the juicer.
  • Feed the grapefruit very slowly so the residual pulp can be evenly extracted and juiced. 

Leafy Vegetable Juice 

Leafy vegetables such as watercress and lettuce are very healthy and good for the skin. They contain a good amount of magnesium and are known for their bitter or dull tastes and therefore are rarely juiced alone. 

What to combine this juice with?

Combine these types of juices with other green juices such as cucumber, cabbage, celery and/or spinach juice. Leafy vegetable juice can also be combined with any other juice adding a proper amount of vitamins to a health drink. 


Combining Leafy vegetable juice with other juices can produce a very strong health drink that can do wonders for aging, stretch marks, skin problems and more. 

Important Preparation Tips:
  • Selecting the best leafy vegetables takes a little knowhow. The selection process is easy!
  • Make sure they are firm and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly in cold water.
  • These types of vegetables have a tendency to pick up the water with them so make sure and shake them dry and press between both hands.
  • Roll the leaves and compact them into a ball and feed into the juicer.
  • If the leaves are fed loosely they can stick to the blades or the strainer so be careful. 
Lemon Juice

Lemons are very rich in vitamin C just like its family grapefruits and oranges. It is specially suited to bring out the flavors of other juices and especially salads. The most valuable nutrients are mostly located in the skin of the lemon and therefore we advise to juice the entire lemon with the peel. Lemon juice is also used to preserve fruits and vegetables and can keep the color of other juices bright. 
What to combine this juice with?

A combination of lemon juice can go with any other juice.


Lemon juice has a surprising way of enhancing every juice it is combined with and also tastes very good with sweeter juices such as carrot, grape, orange, and beet juice.

Important Preparation Tips:

  • Wash the lemon thoroughly and place into the mouth of the juicer with the skin intact!